a2h's archive of retarded IRC chatlogs

Posted by a2h on Oct. 7, 2007, 2:13 a.m.

* Topic for #64digits is: An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind - Gandhi | All crab battles go in #crabbattle | Enough with making fun of A2H Mkay?

* Topic for #64digits set by DesertFox at Sat Oct 06 15:46:10 2007

<anger2headshot> http://a2h.uni.cc/gameon/ someone comment

<konakona> ewwwwwww

<beam> make ur own site dude lol

<anger2headshot> screw you konakona k?

<anger2headshot> beam: huh?

<konakona> lol It's funny because he doesn't understand

<Sk8m8trix> I am not here

<Sk8m8trix> k?

<anger2headshot> k, how is it ewwwwwwwwww

<Sk8m8trix> because

<Sk8m8trix> your dad jackhammered your mom

<Sk8m8trix> alos

<Sk8m8trix> also*

* Sk8m8trix is now known as anger2cumshot
<Sk8m8trix> kick anger

<Sk8m8trix> ban him

<beam> why do you want to put me on akick :(((

<Sk8m8trix> or set mute

<Sk8m8trix> XD
–> Bryan (bryanoostr@hidden-C449715.speed.planet.nl) has joined #64digits

* Bryan is now known as Anger2Cumshot

<konakona> lololololololololololo

* Anger2Cumshot is now known as Bryan

<Bryan> =)

<Bryan> im just a meanie

<konakona> I'm a meanie too

<Bryan> :D

<konakona> and I've apparently called him a fag

<Bryan> :O

<konakona> I single-handedly made him close his topic on the new forums lulz

<Bryan> :D

<konakona> by saying

<konakona> 'ewwwwwww'

<Bryan> lol

<konakona> then he's like THIS IS NOT IRC FOLLOW THE RULES U ABUSIVE 2 ME :((((((

<konakona> and then he deleted the thread


Bryan 17 years, 4 months ago


beam 17 years, 4 months ago

i promise i am not as lame as these logs make me out to be >:(

also everyone get on irc

a2h 17 years, 4 months ago

^ /me agrees with beam

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago
