ENIGMA v3 draft 2 and more...

Posted by a2h on Jan. 16, 2008, 9:27 p.m.

Umm, yeah. Draft 2 is done. I'm going to add a nice bit of rounding to the tabs in draft 3, so yeah. Also anyone who can 'shop me a clear version of the ENIGMA logo gets a free cookie, since Josh lost the large versions of the ENIGMA logo in a reformat (don't know about DFortun81)…

Anyways, as I said in the last blog, ENIGMA uses two images that are shared with my website's eighth design. Yes, 8TH. Thar, a link. Doesn't look too similar now does it? Anyway, yeah…

Now then, something not about ENIGMA/my website… I had the weirdest ever nightmare last night, and also one that seriously freaks me out. I dreamt of being stabbed in the back of my neck by this hypo kid I know, and that's the main thing I still remember. Oh, and the hospital had green walls. And the stab wound was painless. I also remember feeling stitches on the back of my neck. First thing I did when waking up was feeling the back of my neck. Erk. Freaky.

Anyways, I'm starting to try and learn C++ these days, because I want to learn such an awesome language (compared to GML), plus ENIGMA will support it anyway. Also, another reason is that I have an R4 so I want to use PAlib to write for it. When I was downloading devkitPro the installer said it would be something like 115 MB to download, and yet it downloaded less than 50 and yet devkit + palib ran flawlessly. I'm using Visual C++ 2008 with it and I'm quite happy :)

Also, before I end this blog, ima ask some questions.

1. Have you ever had a nightmare? If so, what do you remember of the worst one you had?
2. Are you good at C++?
3. Do you make websites? If so, do you use any WYSIWYG tools to make the site (for those who don't know, I use Notepad++ and Paint.NET, which means I would answer no to the second part)
4. Standards compliant websites ftw y/n?

blawg end


a2h 17 years, 1 month ago

@flashback - Must I remind you that I had to rip the logo off the ENIGMA banner, since Josh reformatted and lost the large versions of the ENIGMA logo? I am STILL wanting a person to do a nicer resize of the ENIGMA logo (128px height mmkay? kthx)

@AtomicMushroom - Yeah, I'm thinking about having contentbg go down the entire height, but Firefox treats height:100%; as being the height of the entire browser area, not to the bottom of the screen, and bottom:0px; doesn't like me either…

@Omega_Squid - It gots replaced with SMF + bloggy theme XD

SquareWheel 17 years, 1 month ago

1) Probably.

2) Good? No.

3) I don't do web design, but I know some HTML. I made my (original) website in notepad.

4) Eh. Not really. If you can't read it, get a better browser.

edmunn 17 years, 1 month ago

Click to see mine.

I'm still in process of adding a decent logo, which josh no long has =[

a2h 17 years, 1 month ago

Hey edmunn, are you able to do a 128px height resize of the ENIGMA logo just by using the logo in Josh's banner? I don't really care about the cut-off, to me it actually looks quite nice in the header…

Yes, though I dislike creating compliant xhtml - too limiting. Compliant HTML 4.01 is fine though.
Heard of XHTML 1.0 Transitional?

Roy 17 years, 1 month ago

1) Yes.

2) No.

3) Yes, I use Notepad and Photoshop CS3.

4) No.

biggoron 17 years, 1 month ago

VC++ = ugly, slow, bloated IDE, slow compilation and too many intermediate files. Also, setting up the most basic program takes a fucking age.

For Windows, get Code::Blocks or Dev-C++.

1) Yes. The aliens from Mars Attacks shot me.

2) Meh.

3) No.

4) Yes.

beam 17 years, 1 month ago

1. yes, i don't remember

2. yes

3. yes, no. pnp+inkscape

4. yes, of course

edmunn 17 years, 1 month ago

1) Yeah, i got taken away by a chicken. =P


3)Yeah, Photoshop CS2 and Dreamweaver CS3.

4) meh.

eagly 17 years, 1 month ago

1. Have you ever had a nightmare? If so, what do you remember of the worst one you had? I sat on a sofa and was promptly eaten by it. =[

2. Are you good at C++? No.

3. Do you make websites? If so, do you use any WYSIWYG tools to make the site? Yes, I make websites. No, I despise WYSIWYGs.

4. Standards compliant websites ftw y/n? Y

JoshDreamland 17 years, 1 month ago

1) Yes, erm, I don't remember it. It's prolly something about… hm.

2) Define "good." I can't judge that just yet, methinks

3) Not really. WYSIWYG sucks. =\

4) No, you talk about that like it's supposed to make sense, so, No.