
Posted by aEon on July 3, 2008, 11:54 a.m.

Hi, peeps,

This whole week I've been making a roguelike. Everything went fine and swell, until…

…I had to make the enemies chase the 'main character'. I've tried three ways of doing this…


Explanation : I used point_direction to detect where the character is.


var dir, dir2, temp;


temp = 1;

while (temp <= movesmax) do { //movesmax = amount

dir2 = point_direction(prey.x, prey.y, x, y); //of moves per turn.

if dir2 > 0 and dir2 < 90 then dir = 7; //prey - object the

if dir2 = 90 then dir = 8; //monster is chasing.

if dir2 > 90 and dir2 < 180 then dir = 1;

if dir2 = 180 then dir = 2;

if dir2 > 180 and dir2 < 270 then dir = 3;

if dir2 = 270 then dir = 4;

if dir2 > 270 and dir2 < 360 then dir = 5;

if dir2 = 0 then dir = 6;

switch(dir) {

//hor and ver

case 4: if (col_check('up')) {self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 8: if (col_check('down')){self.y += sprite_height; temp+=1;}

case 6: if (col_check('left')) {self.x -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 2: if (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; temp +=1; }


case 1: if (col_check('up')) and (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; self.y += sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 3: if (col_check('down')) and (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 7: if (col_check('left')) and (col_check('up')) {self.x -= sprite_height; self.y += sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 5: if (col_check('left')) and (col_check('down')) {self.x -= sprite_height; self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; } } }

if temp = movesmax then c_e = true;


Result:enemy makes strange turns and after a long walk finally reaches the character. Not good enough - he must move directly towards the character.



Explanation:using x and y of enemy to find the prey's coordinates.


var dir, temp;


temp = 1;

while (temp <= movesmax) do {

if prey.x > x+8 and prey.x < sight and prey.y = y then dir = 2;

if prey.x < x-8 and prey.x > -sight and prey.y = y then dir = 6;

if prey.y > y+8 and prey.y < sight and prey.x = x then dir = 8;

if prey.y < y-8 and prey.y > -sight and prey.x = x then dir = 4;


if prey.x > x+8 and prey.x < sight and prey.y > y+8 and prey.y < sight then dir = 1;

if prey.x > x+8 and prey.x < sight and prey.y < y-8 and prey.y > -sight then dir = 3;

if prey.x < x-8 and prey.x > -sight and prey.y < y-8 and prey.y > -sight then dir = 5;

if prey.x < x-8 and prey.x > -sight and prey.y > y+8 and prey.y < sight then dir = 7;

switch(dir) {

//hor and ver

case 4: if (col_check('up')) {self.y -= sprite_height;temp +=1; }

case 8: if (col_check('down')) {self.y += sprite_height;temp+=1;}

case 6: if (col_check('left')) {self.x -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 2: if (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; temp +=1; }


case 1: if (col_check('up')) and (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; self.y += sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 3: if (col_check('down')) and (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 7: if (col_check('left')) and (col_check('up')) {self.x -= sprite_height; self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case 5: if (col_check('left')) and (col_check('down')) {self.x -= sprite_height; self.y += sprite_height; temp +=1; } } }

if temp = movesmax then c_e = true;


Result:same as above. Sometimes it even starts walking to the completely opposite direction it should actually walk to. wtf…



Explanation:checking which of the squares around the enemy is closest to the prey, and then moving to it.


var v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, temp, dir;


temp = 1;

while(temp <= movesmax) do {

v1 = point_distance(x-8, y-8, prey.x, prey.y);

v2 = point_distance(x, y-8, prey.x, prey.y);

v3 = point_distance(x+8, y-8, prey.x, prey.y);

v4 = point_distance(x-8, y, prey.x, prey.y);

v5 = point_distance(x+8, y, prey.x, prey.y);

v6 = point_distance(x-8, y+8, prey.x, prey.y);

v7 = point_distance(x, y+8, prey.x, prey.y);

v8 = point_distance(x+8, y+8, prey.x, prey.y);


dir = min(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8);

switch(dir) {

//hor and ver

case v2: if (col_check('up')) {self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case v7: if (col_check('down')) {self.y+=sprite_height;temp+=1;}

case v4: if (col_check('left')) {self.x -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case v5: if (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; temp +=1; }


case v3: if (col_check('up')) and (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case v8: if (col_check('down')) and (col_check('right')){self.x += sprite_height; self.y += sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case v1: if (col_check('left')) and (col_check('up')) {self.x -= sprite_height; self.y -= sprite_height; temp +=1; }

case v6: if (col_check('left')) and (col_check('down')) {self.x -= sprite_height; self.y += sprite_height; temp +=1; } } }

if temp = movesmax then c_e = true;


Result : same as above,just a little more accurate.

(col_check checks if the argumented square is free)

Could you please show me what's wrong with my codes? :/ I just can't find it…

P.S.I WOULD have posted this in the forums, but user registration is forbidden…


PY 16 years, 7 months ago

lmao, melee STILL hasn't fixed the forums?

In any case, nobody who knows what a GML is goes there anymore.

aEon 16 years, 7 months ago

>:/ (josef fritzl)

s 16 years, 7 months ago

Have you made sure to stop case leaking?

aEon 16 years, 7 months ago

Er?… Case leaking?… What dos that mean?… :/

s 16 years, 7 months ago

switch 1{

case 1://Triggers case

case 2://Gets leaked into

break;case 3://Break stops leakage


Useful thing when you know about it, evil when you don't. I get annoyed when I find languages don't have case leaking, might as well just be some syntactic sugar for if{} in that case

aEon 16 years, 7 months ago

So, you mean I should use breaks?

s 16 years, 7 months ago

If you don't want all the cases being executed after the true case is found, yes

aEon 16 years, 7 months ago

Heh :D Thank you very much.

Nighthawk 16 years, 7 months ago

I'd help, but my coding style is so different from this… I spread mine out and use lots of brackets to make it easy to read, this is all… Efficient… And compact…

s 16 years, 7 months ago

This isn't compact, he could take the spaces out around comparison operators, use a consistent rejection of if then instead of if{} and not use the ugly worded logical ops. Really, operators weren't meant to be letters. Makes mentally parsing tedious. If he was efficient, his col_check() wouldn't use strings but numbers

Also, odd use of while(con) do{} instead of just while (con){}. Never knew GM could do that, seems kind of pointless to let it happen. I'd think it'd be better to leave it be and always just let while(con) do{}until(con) be while(con){do{}until(con)}

…ya, that's kinda weird. How did you happen to fall across this hidden syntactic sugar?