I Am Back! (again)

Posted by a_max_j on June 24, 2007, 6:37 p.m.

Jeez, I gotta stop using that title. It really means nothing when I say it, because I'm usually gone again within a couple of days. You know what else means nothing when I say it? "I'm working on a new project." All of its puny amount of meaning adds up to: "I worked on a new project for three hours and I have no clue whether it'll end up finished or not, but what the heck." Now I'm going to cut short this rant about the meanings of things I say, because it makes me sound like an idiot.

Anyway, my spare time now consists of surfing the internet and hoping my computer won't totally splode on me when I try to run Oblivion. That and playing Civ IV. And sometimes HT3D, Death Worm, or anything by Mr.Chubigans when I'm bored.

64D En Flashe is awesome. Especially DesertFox. The character, not the person. Then again, DesertFox is awesome too. The person, not the character.

Oh, and I still listen to punk music. Especially Bad Religion, Green Day, and Sum 41. And I'm still the only person I know who likes punk music. Which sucks.

Anyway, at this point I've probably bored you all enough. The 85% of you who have already died of boredom have my apologies.


random poll

iPod or Zune?


s 17 years, 8 months ago

At least you are sorry

Ferret 17 years, 6 months ago

Zune, i dont have either, but i want to be differnt so i use my PSP. :)

desert fox is kool