I'm frustrated.

Posted by abacus on Jan. 7, 2007, 5:52 p.m.


/four months earlier/

MK53 invites me to join Gigapixel. At the time, I am a member in WaterSoft, so I turn down the offer.

/present day/

Once WaterSoft was disbanded, I took MK53 up on his offer, and joined Gigapixel. It's been a dissapointment. I feel that it's a dead end. I like the people, but I feel that I'm one of the most advanced members of the team. Here's some problems I've been having:

MageKnight53: He's the most helpful of all the team members I'm in contact with, but since he's busy with AV, he can only write some music for me. Also, he doens't use AIM, the main contact program of GP.

Arisen: He's never on, and it doens't seem like he… does anything. At all.

Baziiboi: He's useful, but he's never on.

I feel that I am the only one who can do Web-Dev and really get in-dev with my games. I like GP, but I need a team with more advanced people, so I can learn, but also a team that will allow me to work on my games, like Mephistolphelian: the Resistance and Age of the Ellesmere. If I join an advanced game company, like TGG teams, then I can't work on my games, I can only work on TGG's games, like their barn-flying game. If I stay with GP, then I can work on my games, but then I'm working by myself. Help!


abacus 18 years ago

yeah, thanks for being on nowadays