Ok, so i was bored and decided to go powerplay the UGMC forum Games with MK, Ross, and Chiken. My goal was to get 100 posts today, but everyone kinda lost interest after awhile, and i only got 39 posts. I was looking through the Offtopic section when i found a topic about Linerider. I then decided to make a kickass linerider video,. It isnt great, but it's ok and it has Giant Tapeworms, Evil pacman fish, huge spikes, and a random house.
Watchwish i had HTML powers, then i could embed. The other day i was thinking, "Gosh wouldn't it be nice to haver HTML privs?" then I thought "hell, maybe i do have HTML privs, i just don't know it because i never use HTML. Wouldn't that be funny." But i know i don't. So give them to me!!!!Anyway, i made a fairly funny Alt-f4 comic, but it's only funny if you've read the last one.Giant tapeworms, evil pacman fish, linerider, and more!
Posted by abacus on Feb. 27, 2007, 8:54 p.m.
Video is not there.
it takes awhile for the videos to process
I'll watch the video later, I'm in school. ;)
And nice comic. xD