Cheesy goodness

Posted by abacus on March 1, 2007, 7:15 p.m.

Yesterday I made another Linerider video, it's better than the first:


Alt-f4 time!

hmmmm, what else to say?

Well, i am having trouble with a DDRAW.dll, it is keeping me from playing Shootout, I was able to install d3d9.dll, so hopefully I'll stop getting random errors from Game Maker games. I've tried downloading DDRAW.dll from the site I downloaded D3d9.dll from, but it doesn't work. Any help?

And with the GMC, what the fuck is with Game Maker Extensions forum leaving? I know they were going to change it for the GM7 extensions, but not DELETE THE WHOLE MOTHER FUCKING THING!!!! Edit: Never mind it's back.

So yeah, I made a FPS. Play it. Now. Or else.

For lack of better things to blog about, I'll write up a summary.

Basically, there are two teams, Red and Blue. There are 24 missions altogether, on 4 maps. There are 3 types of mission, Extermination, Infiltration, and Protection. Extermination is just killing everybody, Protection is Body guarding, and Infiltration you have to assassinate someone or just blow up a place.

Also, yesterday I tested AR with JakeX, it was pretty kewl, we played a CTF round, a DM round, and about 15 minutes of Co-op. There is this blueish boss who cant die, but you can rack up major kills. Mentioning kills, there is now a combo meter and EXP meter. When you kill a bunch of enemies in a row, you get combos. Usually, it is very hard to get combos on regualr turrets, but on this boss it's really easy. When your EXP gets full, you "rank up" which is like leveling.overall, it's pretty l33t. Well done, Jake.

There's some pudding in the fridge,



s 17 years, 10 months ago

Has AR's controls improved?

abacus 17 years, 10 months ago

No. Actually, i think they were even worse, because to pick up new guns you press either left or right mouse buttons, and if you're shooting when you try to pick something up it doesn't work well.