New gamez, M:tR update

Posted by abacus on March 17, 2007, 7:16 p.m.

It's been awhile since my last blog, and a long while since the last Fallout Zone comic. :( It hasn't worked out very well.


Anyway, I've worked on a few old games and started a few new ones, but haven't finished any yet. Here's an update:

Mephistophelian: the Resistance. Now more AR like and less HT3D like. It has 2 types of enemies, a machine gun turret and a normal turret. I will add the enemy tanks (which i have from the previous version) later, with the missions. This is just a show-off demo level.

Offroad Racer.
A racing game I made for the UGMC contest. It has two exes included, a map editor and the demo level. When you complete the first lap, a "ghost" off your last lap will appear, and then you can race it. I will eventually make it online. For editor use lmb to select and move stuff around, rmb to deselect, mmb to plant barrel or tree, scroll to switch between barrel and tree. To enter race mode press enter, to leave it press end. In normal game and race mode use arrow keys to move. The bottom variable is not your time, but how hot your car is.

Unnamed FPS.
I made this the last week of February, which was my week off school. I basically made it because i was bored so i dont know if I'll ever finish it.

A Harry Potter-based game that i started in November, but couldn't figure out how to do the mouse pointing. I've got it now, and it has Wii-like controls. To asplode boxes, LMB and slash across the box. If you go fast enough, it'll asplode.

Mouselook and Shooting example.

Sk8m8rix requested this, so i made it. Give credit to me and n00b (he made the ldir scripts) That's seriously his name.

Anyway, as for life, my dad just went to Korea again (south part), to play video games for the military. He went in August and now he has to do it again. They are preparing for what would happen if NK invaded, and SK would use it's roboto army to annihilate NK. To deat hto you, you midgit commie in charge of nukes!

Also, my sister was in a concert and she collapsed becasue she was sick =[

's 'bout it.

There's some pudding in the fridge,



abacus 17 years, 11 months ago

i tihnk you should

abacus 17 years, 11 months ago

suck my cock

sk8m8trix 17 years, 11 months ago

i think that was worth 2 posts, and taht example works perfectly, and i also made it so that if it shoots over an enemie it wont hit them… thanks abacus

abacus 17 years, 11 months ago

i found a bug in my example, but to make the shooting more accurate replace the line in bullet's create event with this:
