I'd like to thank my readers...

Posted by abacus on Jan. 19, 2008, 10:22 a.m.

Thank you all! With your help, The Black War has been bumped down 7 slots! This is proof to show that even though a total of 56 people have rated it, about 10 votes can make a difference!

Remember, if you have found a game on the front page of any of the Yoyogames genre pages, that is bad, please post them here so we can remove them from the mainstream of players! If you found a fun game that should be on the front pages, post them here too, so we can put them in their rightful spot!

In other news, I've been playing way too much Cod4 lately. It's my most-played game ever, beating titles such as Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield and America's Army, games I've been playing since the summer, and I only got CoD4 a few days after Christmas. I'm level 50, only 1 level away from getting the MP44. The WW2 weapon doesn't exactly fit the modern setting, but it's a tribute to Infinity Ward's classics of CoD2 and CoD.

Today I got an awesome 15 kill streak in the map Pipeline. I used my sniper class, which has the Barret .50cal and a G36c+silencer. I got up to the best sniping position, the 3rd floor of the middle warehouse. From there i rained death upon the enemy. I got the radar and the airstrike with my sniping skills, then called the strike on a position I saw was filled to the brim with enemy soldiers. I got about 5 kills from that, completing the challenge "Carpet bomb". Then I sniped a few more peeps before realizing i was out of sniper ammo. So, i pulled out my trusty G36c, and shot 5 more peeps, but only killing 2 of them. The G36 couldn't handle the range (because of the silencer) so the 3 clips I had for it ran out fast. With only 10 rounds left, i popped out of my hiding place and was shot dead. But with 15 kills to only 1 death, it was amazing. The outcome of the match wasn't as good. I failed to get back into the sniping position, as the other sniper there had abandoned it (probably to find some more ammo, as he only had a pistol for a secondary weapon, so once he was out, he was out). The final outcome was 17 kills to 4 deaths, which really isn't bad, but I wish i could have stayed alive so that I only had 1 death 15 kills.

If you have CoD4, please get Xfire so we can play together. I played a match with Mentos last night, but it didnt go so well.

my xfire is abacus1

Also, i removed the pics that were stretching mah page. So now the blog is back to normal width.


PY 17 years, 1 month ago


gtvg 17 years, 1 month ago

That's cool! I didn't know cod4 was so technical.

Killpill28 17 years, 1 month ago

I have CoD4!

Getting Xfire nows.

Killpill28 17 years, 1 month ago

My name is my Xfire name.

Adds me.

NoodleNog 17 years, 1 month ago

Heh. You play too much?

I'm lvl55, so what does that make me? =P

I like to play on hardcore servers, so a desert eagle (gold) is plenty powerful enough as a secondary weapon. I'd much rather use doubletap or juggernaut as perk2 instead of overkill, but thats just my preference.

abacus 17 years, 1 month ago

I only have Overkill on my sniper class, because usually, a pistol (even the deagle) vs an assault rifle or smg, the pistol is going to lose. I think the sniper rifles do enough damage, I use the barret or r700 most of the time, so even if I don't make the headshot, i still kill them. Double-tap is worthless to either of those two sniper rifles, because they have so much recoil you don't need to shoot them faster. I haven't used juggernaut in forever- the 25 or so extra health isn't worth it if i could have something else.

I usually play on hardcore servers if they have less than 12 peeps. The maps are only made for 8 people (the Xbox360 and PS3 versions only support 8 players), so more than 12 on hardcore is far too many.