Posted by abacus on Feb. 28, 2008, 8 p.m.


I got Stealth Adept. Twice. Sara Bareilles rocks.

Don't believe me?


You've just been owned.


I've ditched Bushido, my game for the YYG contest. After following the GDC08 coverage, i realized that the game that would win the YYG competition would not be a generic hack n slash game. It would be an original, fun game with new features. AS such, Mediterranean Treasures was born.

Mediterranean Treasures

This is a game, where you play as a thief in three cities, Cairo, Rome and Athens. You must steal 9 different items from 3 locations in each city. To do this, you must hit a button when you are on the correct 'pad'. The button you presses corresponds to the music playing, so you must try to keep the rhythm. Hopefully, this is original enough to get me at least honorable mention, as I'm using the same engine I was using for Bushido, called Ultimate 3D. the audio bit will be easy because I've already got the base of it from Resonance. All I really have to do is level design, and with 12 levels (3 are boss levels) it's gonna take a long time. Wish me luck!


abacus 16 years, 12 months ago

stfu, i have no friends

F1ak3r 16 years, 12 months ago

Good luck in the comp!

ESA 16 years, 12 months ago

You have Cairo, Rome, and Athens. Why not Istanbul (where I live)? It just as much history as the other ones. In fact, Istanbul and Rome were the two capitals of the Roman Empire, Istanbul being Constantinople for the Byzantines, and Rome for the Romans.

Lethal 16 years, 12 months ago

Audiosurf pwns,

Kenon 16 years, 12 months ago

PFFT. Istanbul is for pussies and protestants.

Cairo is for Pompey-Choppers, Athens is for Spartan-Haters, and Rome is for Everything else that is awesome.

abacus 16 years, 11 months ago

@ kenon:

I don't hate Sparta, but the roof hoping gameplay is better suited for Athens and it's buildings than Sparta and it's hovels.

@ESA: I'll think about it, but it's just a location. The gameplay between the cities are exactly the same, the cities are basically just backgrounds. Also, I'd have to add some sort of 4th boss if I had 4 cities. [=\]

ESA 16 years, 11 months ago

It's easy to have a background for Istanbul. The minarets of the mosques and the bridges :D

@Kenon: Is that so? Then that's what you hear on the news. If the news is true, your president has shit for brains and you all are obese pigs.

abacus 16 years, 11 months ago

our president does have shit for brains, and no matter what the next president will too. Many of us are obese, but mostly just Southerners and Midwesterners.

ESA 16 years, 11 months ago

I am half American, just so you know. I know that my stereotypes are incorrect (the

obese part, Bush does have shit for brains).

Kenon chose to stereotype Istanbul, so…

Anway, good luck with your entry. I'm planning on entering as well (the theme this time is interesting).