
Posted by abacus on April 22, 2008, 8:15 p.m.

(Note: I copied this out of my post in Ronnica's blog. If you are looking for new material look elsewhere)

I feel left out. Do to my new school, my attendance at 64D has dropped dramatically, as has my GM use. Though, I guess this is a good thing: While I haven't really kept up with my friends here on the internet, I have made many new ones (in real life). Unfortunately, I don't know if the 3 hour drive every day is worth it, especially since there are a few really annoying people in my school, and I can't just block them like I could with everyone else. See, the problem is this: My school only opened this year (It is a school for Science) and it turns out that I am the most popular kid in the school. The real issue, is that there are only 33 kids in the entire school, and the school itself is very small. While my old school had maybe 4-5 annoying kids in it, it had many many more kids I didn't mind. Now, there are 3-4 kids I can't stand, but that's 10% of the whole school. I just can't get away from them (And I carpool with one, so there is no escape).

I am distraught. I have to go to this school next year, but I'm not sure if I really want to. Next year is my probably my last year in the US, as my dad might (read: highly probable) get a job in the Foreign Service, so I'd live in Europe somewhere (not England). I want my last year here to be worth it, both socially and educationally. Economically, I should go back to my old public school where I have only 15 minute commute, very little homework, and lots of time to work on my games. Educationally, I should go to my current school, ASD, because I am taking courses a whole year above my grade level, in some cases two years. Socially, I am split between the two: I have a small group of very close friends, one of which I am going to Thailand with over the summer. This is why I can not go back to my old school. It would be very rude (in my opinion) to go to Thailand with someone, get free room and board, then leave 2 weeks after and never see them again. He is my best friend I have had since 2nd grade though. In my old school I have no friends other than those online. While I like my new school overall, I hate some of the people in it. They are the social outcasts of social outcasts. Some of them have left, such as the Trekkie because he was hated by everyone, even the teachers. But the other annoying ones are not allowed to leave, because their parents are not giving them a choice of going back to their old schools.


Cesar 16 years, 10 months ago

Last year I had to carpool with three annoying idiots, along with having them in my every class >_>

abacus 16 years, 10 months ago

Oh, I only have to carpool with one annoying idiot and one kid who calls the other an annoying idiot repeatedly (which is the truth), but i only have said annoying idiot in 2 classes.

Rusky 16 years, 10 months ago

find someone that is negatively annoying so they can cancel out the annoying ones.

abacus 16 years, 10 months ago

Holy shit 43 guests!!!

sk8m8trix 16 years, 10 months ago

I'm pretty annoying myself ^_^

F1ak3r 16 years, 10 months ago

That's quite a dilemma. I guess you'll just have to do what you feel is right.