What I hate about the games industry:

Posted by abacus on June 24, 2008, 11:06 a.m.

Things I hate about the games industry right now:

PC is a platform for MMOs

It seems like the only genre that has always been stronger on the PC than consoles is MMOs. Sure, RTS's have long been PC-exclusive titles, but currently, a lot more strategy titles are coming out for consoles. FPS's were birthed on the PC, and retain a strong fanbase, but this seems to be comprised of two types of people: newbs who dont own consoles yet, and hardcore gamers in leagues and such. Not to mention, very few PC-exclusive FPSes recently or upcoming.

Half-assed PC ports

Ubisoft Montreal, I'm looking at you. God damnit, some people don't want to have to pay more for a gaming PC than a Xbox, just to run Xbox games! Not to mention, the PC ports of games such as Rainbow Six Vegas are amazing on consoles, but are filled with bugs and run at nearly unplayable framerates on the PC! Rainbow Six Vegas had the worst middle-mouse-button support I've ever seen. It would only scope in certain situations, causing me to die unnecessarily, too often. I had to map my scope key to the keyboard.

Assassin's Creed, another Ubisoft Montreal game, also sucked dick for PC. It ran worse than any other game, and wasn't even that good. Of course, the console version wasn't that great either.

Gears of War took an Xbox to run it as well. All I'm asking is for some more graphics options!!! PLEASE GIVE US MORE COD4s


Treyarch sucks. I hope that COD:WaW is as good as the stills look, because if it isn't as good or better than CoD4, there will be riots. Treyarch sucks.

I had more but I forgot in my rant about PC ports. Anyways, I leave for Thailand tomorrow at 0730



PS: Valve rocks! Valve should have 3000x the people it has now so that it can make 3000x the awesome games. I like how it evenly balances PC and console games, but how the PC games are the best, cuz of Steam, which is amazing.


frenchcon1 16 years, 8 months ago

i hate the way they charge me for porn!

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

'It seems like the only genre that has, in recent memory, been better on the PC than consoles is MMOs.'


I hate the fact that everything is coming with DRM. Mass effect, 3 activations. Total. No reinstalling, no reformatting, you get 3 activations total.

Plus, that's what's causing so many of the issues in assassin's creed.

abacus 16 years, 8 months ago

I changed my wording, PY. Also, DRM sucks. But with ME, the only real reason to have more than 3 activations is to re-sell the game after you beat it.

And with Assassin's Creed, the Steam version has no DRM, because it's in your Steam account, noone elses…

Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

it's half-assed because people will buy it anyways, if people didn't like it, then they would not buy it and then the company would be forced to make better ports. It's simple really.

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Aba, that's beside the point.

You haven't bought the game, you've bought the right to install it three times.

That is not good for the consumer at all.

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

This wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have consoles. We'd also be able to keep the unwashed masses out of our hobby.

Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

Yes, because competition is bad and causes negative growth

shawn 16 years, 8 months ago

companys these days will screw you over for the extra buck

Josea 16 years, 8 months ago

Guess what? My computer can only run 2003-2004 games, and in addition to that, I've never paid a cent for a PC game in my life (except Simcity 4, because it is awesome).

mesenberg 16 years, 8 months ago

I hate the prices