AotE team members wanted:

Posted by abacus on Oct. 20, 2006, 6:10 p.m.

Age of the Ellesmere is looking for team members!

Help spur production of one of the greatest 3D GM creations of the year!

Current members:

abacus (team leader)

mageknight53 (freelancer)


[b]Age of the Ellesmere: Team request[/b]


[b]Programming skills:[/b]

[b]Previous Experince:[/b]

[b]Years of Education:[/b]

I mainly need composers and AI programmers.


Today I went to school. Woo-hoo. Big whoop.

I got my mid-term report card.

Here are my grades:

Math- A+ Effort:1 Conduct:2

Language Arts- A Effort:1 Conduct:2

Social Studies-A Effort:1 Conduct:1

Spanish-E (excellent) Effort:1 Conduct:1

Effort/conduct grades:

1- Excellent


3- Unsatisfactory



poultry 18 years, 4 months ago


All good WS resources being poured into Gems

Damn straight!

I have no reason to do anything with WaterSoft, if I ever do, It'll be completely redone.

I'm happy with GameCave, it is a good team with experienced members who can help me and I can help them :)

leemcd56 18 years, 4 months ago

I'm here! =D

Amarin 18 years, 4 months ago

I've known 3D since July. =P

Amarin 18 years, 4 months ago

I can do basic AI and stuff. I've never tried advanced, but I can try.

marbs 18 years, 4 months ago

I can do 3D and AI. The only 3D game I ever kind completed was flux, a 3D racing game. It's buried somewherein my PC. I think I uploaded it a while ago…


found it. I made <a href="">this</a>.

I can do topdown AI as well. So yeah I guess I could help a bit.

Age of the Ellesmere: Team request

Name: marbs

Programming skills: AI

Previous Experince: 3D & AI

Years of Education: mmm…more than 1, less than 23.

Alert Games 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm working on a 3d FPS right now, sorry.