I just want to let you all know--

Posted by abbeyminor on March 22, 2013, 9:39 p.m.

I'm not gone or anything like that. I'm still here.

However, if I log in at all for the next week or so, it will be purely to lurk and/or respond to comments on this blog.

Something rather big came up last week and I probably won't really be online very much for a little while.

So, consider this a small hiatus, I guess?

Basically, a lot of things suck right now. Shaq and I are both running on fumes because Finn has this huge spit-up problem and wakes up a lot.

He was at the hospital last week and it turns out he has colic, which means that occasionally he will scream and cry because he has gas/ for no real reason.

I had to argue with the doctor, calling the office five times before getting him to agree to switch his formula.

I'm sick, Shaq is getting sick, and we're both trying not to get Finn sick.

We can't get him to fall asleep when we want to because he sleeps all day.

And on Wednesday, my Gram passed away, so right now I'm just spending a lot of time at my mom's house, and in the shower, trying my best to relax.

So, I still love you, and I'm still here. But I'll be gone for a minute.


flashback 11 years, 11 months ago

"There is no clinical evidence for the effectiveness of gripe water.
From the very wiki page you posted. Just saying.
Absolutely. Doesn't mean I can't give statistically meaningless anecdotes :)