In the works [Music]

Posted by aeron on Sept. 15, 2011, 8:25 p.m.

So I'm working on another album! This one is a much more serious effort than the ones I've thrown together in the past. I spent a lot more time thinking about my style and what direction I want to take it. Idk, it might help to think of it as some kind of exercise in self reflection.

Anyway, that's the album art up there. I'm calling it Chemical Comfort. I think the best way to describe it would be ambient/dub, but who really knows these things :P


I posted this one in an early stage, but I've since reworked the instrumentation and added a whole section at the end. Definitely worth re-listening to. And here's another track:


As far as the release goes, I'm planning on doing things differently this time. I'm most likely gonna be selling the final album on Bandcamp. I haven't yet decided on a pricing, but I'm thinking of doing a name-your-price type deal with a 2-3$ minimum. Now honestly I don't expect to make any real money off this but it would be nice to get what little support I can.

See, my next big music investment is gonna be more accurate speakers (these to be exact). I feel like they are a step in the right direction as far as improving my mixing ability (my logitechs have terrible frequency response). Anyway, being on a college budget doesn't help me buy fancy things like studio monitors. Hopefully selling this album will :)

And I know it's trivial but for whatever reason I want to come up with a new name for this project. I just can't come up with something appropriate that I can stick with. I considered calling it "Android Dreams" but it just doesn't feel right. Meh, why are names the hardest thing to decide on?

Anyway, I gotta get back to school work and stuff. Peace!



Cesque 13 years, 6 months ago

Cool stuff as usual. The "prelude" in Obedience reminded me of the first 2 seconds of Erotic Alchemy, which is weird, because your song is electronic, and Erotic Alchemy is gothic metal.

And I know it's trivial but for whatever reason I want to come up with a new name for this project. I just can't come up with something appropriate that I can stick with. I considered calling it "Android Dreams" but it just doesn't feel right. Meh, why are names the hardest thing to decide on?

Android Dreams makes me think of Google business plans. Also, it reminds me of Jabberwock's music titles a little too much (Brother Android). It's probably still a cool name.

Edit: I tried helping you by feeding a bunch of drum n' bass and dubstep band names to Travesty and it came up with names such as:

Doctor Bukemura


Beenie Massive

Dwarf Elector Grider



Drumagicky Finn



Jonny Brownlinja

Exper Nihilion

Flux Pandslider

Blue Magnetians


12th Planeticator

Doublector Gride

Blamine Deconans


Shy Fut


Wity Futus

A Groni Twing Hybre



If you ask me, you should go with Wity Futus.

Album names are harder to find as a neat list :<

Ferret 13 years, 6 months ago

I really really like these :3

Edit, damn it cesque, you beat me to the bump >:{

Cesque 13 years, 6 months ago

It took you 20 minutes to write "I really really like these :3"? Because I edited my comment like three times :P

Toast 13 years, 6 months ago

Witty Fetus! Now THAT would be awesome.

sirxemic 13 years, 6 months ago

I like the songs, a few remarks:

The first song sounds familiar. Dunno why.

I don't like the snare in the second song, at least not in the 'calmer' parts. It sounds too heavy for those.

Ferret 13 years, 6 months ago

Well I had the window open on the same page while I listened, and then typed the comment. And no I put mine in before you edited.

Alert Games 13 years, 6 months ago

I agree with sir Xemic. Though I like the first song so much i wanna use it in my game that ill eventually make :<

Polystyrene Man 13 years, 6 months ago

I dig

aeron 13 years, 6 months ago

Thanks guys! I appreciate the feedback. I did some work on the snares in Obedience (quiet parts have a new snare sample) but I'm too lazy to convert/upload it right now (maybe in my next blog post :P).

Oh, and I love that list of names, Cesque! XD

Alert Games 13 years, 6 months ago

Im still enjoying the music. Really good work on the compositions.