Disregard the Minecraft purge blog

Posted by aeron on Sept. 24, 2013, 5:33 p.m.

Upon further inspection of the disk space issue, we are actually not in the pickle I previously suspected. After digging in the main 64D user account, I noticed a huge discrepancy in the reported size of our user and games folders compared to the combined size of their parent folder:

[24 Sep 2013 16:37:22]

<aeron> Cyrus, if game uploads reportedly take up 15G, and user uploads only take up 24G, then why the hell does the ~u64digi folder take up 374 GB?!

There are only 4 directories under 64digits home folder, and the other two are under a gig, so something wasn't adding up. I ran `du` several times before getting to the verge of rage, when suddenly I noticed something funny in the output of `ls`. There was a file sitting right in the home folder that hadn't shown up in `du` because by default, `du` only lists directories and their combined sizes. The size of said file: 358,953,059,228 bytes (a.k.a. 335 GB). It was a log file (for apache's mod_rewrite). And it was being added to with every request made to the site.

Now, there's no need for such a verbose log unless a developer is actually reading it for debugging purposes. So I turned it off, and deleted the offensively large file. And thus, we went from 98% disk usage to 20%.

Short story short, we got our breathing room back. As long as no one leaves those logs on again, we should be fine on disk space for some time to come. And also, as the title suggests, we don't have to worry about deleting minecraft maps any time soon.

As a note to staff, Steven pointed out this isn't the first time we've encountered this very issue. Maybe it's time we set up a 64D admin log for keeping track of these recurring problems and their fixes, something that future staff can refer to when things start breaking. A bug tracker might work well for this.

And finally, sorry for those who got worried after the last blog in regards to the minecraft maps. We'll try to safeguard these chunks of 64D history as long as possible, and hopefully ensure copies remain available for anyone who is interested for a long time to come.


JuurianChi 11 years, 3 months ago

Quietus 11 years, 3 months ago

all i know is i got me some free minecraft maps for when i'm bored on my offline computer bahaha. but yeah, thanks for staying on top of all this aeron. someone has to xD

KaBob799 11 years, 3 months ago


Seleney 11 years, 3 months ago

Can you post a copy of creative anyway? that's definitely something I'd like to download.

JuurianChi 11 years, 3 months ago

I would like more information regarding the Team Fortress 2 server, please.

Grand-High Gamer 11 years, 3 months ago

lol @ this site

Acid 11 years, 3 months ago

That is both funny AND dumb. XD

JuurianChi 11 years, 3 months ago

Quote: IRC
[00:37] <+StevenOBrien> Maybe you could run a CS:GO or CS:S server too then?

[00:37] <+aeron> I would be down for that

[00:37] <+StevenOBrien> Or DOD:S

[00:37] <Jeremy> yep, we can steven :D

[00:37] <Jeremy> we can run all source games

[00:37] <+StevenOBrien> I dunno if anyone still plays that, but I fucking love that game

[00:37] <+aeron> Ooh shit I havent played DOD in so long

[00:37] <Jeremy> even gmod

[00:37] <+StevenOBrien> So what is steamcmd?

[00:37] <+aeron> dude, hell yeah steve

[00:37] <+StevenOBrien> It runs the game as a P2P type deal?

[00:38] <+StevenOBrien> Instead of server/client?

[00:38] <Jeremy> https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD

[00:38] <@xbot> Title: SteamCMD - Valve Developer Community (at https://developer.valvesoftware.com)

[00:38] <+StevenOBrien> And I used to play the shit out of GMOD :D

[00:38] <Jeremy> https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Supported_Servers

[00:38] <@xbot> Title: SteamCMD - Valve Developer Community (at https://developer.valvesoftware.com)

[00:38] <Jeremy> =P

[00:39] <+StevenOBrien> Cool :D

[00:40] <Jeremy> so the resources it uses, with one playe rit uses 7% cpu and 7% ram

[00:40] <+StevenOBrien> That

[00:40] <Jeremy> minecraft uses 40% cpu and 35% ram with no players

[00:40] <+StevenOBrien> Sounds signific… oh

[00:40] <+JuurianChi> "we can run all source games"

[00:41] <+JuurianChi> Gary's Mod…

aeron 11 years, 3 months ago

Seleney, here's a link to the creative map, though its a couple gigabytes:


lol @ this site
And yeah, if this blog was any indication, you can tell our admins are great about keeping each other informed about how to maintain this place. Even when our issues are recurring :3

KaBob799 11 years, 3 months ago

Tomorrow I'm going to add automatic world unloading to CheeseMod which might help bring down memory usage a bit.