Critique my code/game and help improve it!

Posted by anthonyloprimo on March 22, 2011, 2:24 a.m.

(Copypasta from the GMC)

Would anyone be interested in critiquing the structure and whatnot of a game I'm working on? More or less this is of the code, the efficiency, the organization, etc of it. What can I code better? What could have been coded differently to reduce bulk? What could be condensed better? What could be coded to work without an object/sprite used for collision (that much less stored in the game)? These are the things I'm looking to get feedback on rather than the game itself.

If anyone actually is interested in helping me out here, post and I'll post the editable.

It would be a major help for me if I can get some help here. I want to learn, yes.. but I want to try to train myself on better methods while I'm still learning now, so I can make sure I continue to make some good things with good bits of code, ease up on objects in favor of efficient code, etc.


DFortun81 13 years, 11 months ago

I could take a look at it, though, don't expect my final critique for a few days. I've got several projects that demand my time as well as a job.