GM 8.1 SUCKS BAW- No, shut up.

Posted by anthonyloprimo on April 17, 2011, 11:43 p.m.

My first impressions with GM8.1 is for the most part, positive. I was nervous from all the negativity against it, but given how much positivity I see with the hype on ANYTHING from YYG, only to find it go to hell after, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.

Anyway, I open up GM 8.0 and 8.1 side by side (lol I keep typing 8.2 instead) and overall everything looks the same, visually. I sort of wish they revamped it somehow - at LEAST updating icons - they look rather dated, even for programs running on XP for some reason. Might just be me. I look at it all and so far so good. I notice they are using more Vista/7 styled selection indicators, using a pretty gradient backdrop with Windows Vista/7 styled buttons for the resource tree (what replaced the + and - buttons. I forgot what they were called).

The sprite editor seems the same as before. Most resource editors seem the same here. The room editor looks pretty much the same as before.. I'm a bit disappointed here that it wasn't revamped any more, here.

So, I open up my GMK of WinBall. You know, the crappy version that needs to be re-coded from scratch that I may or may not have talked about? Yeah, that one - the abomination of a game. And it seems to work fine.

..Until I go into the level editor, which was made by someone else.



action number 1

of Create Event

for object obj_room_editor:

Illegal argument count calling script "brick_add".

Script requires 3 arguments, 2 have been supplied.

OH NOES. A SCRIPT DIDN'T CALL ALL THE ARGUMENTS IT NEEDED TO CALL WHAT DO I-oh. okay. So I look at the code, and it seems only if such an argument is there, do something.

For some reason I'm thinking to just replace any unneeded arguments with "0". And I do so.

BINGO. it works.

So let's see… Well, inputting 0 seems to work.. If you actually use your brain, you too might be able to make great games in GM 8.1! Don't like it? Tough. Stop trying to program games because from what i've heard it can only get tougher if you move to C++ or anything. Sucks to be you doesn't it?

…Aside from that, everything ran smoothly. No errors.

WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: Absolutely nothing.

WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU, AS A DEVELOPER COMPLAINING ABOUT 8.1: You’re most likely a butt, and should quit programming completely. Otherwise, shut up, suck it up, deal with it and move the hell on. Thank you.

TL;DR version: GM8.1 is good, you need to do a couple of things, and if you’re a hater, STFU and die or deal with it plzkthx.


Castypher 13 years, 10 months ago

That's all good, but did you figure out what causes it to crash when running the game on Vista or 7? That's my gripe with it, and I think you're exaggerating the "hate" on the new argument implementation.

You may, however, want to post this at the GMC, because you're talking to a whole two people who have complained, and the complaints weren't nearly to the degree that you make them seem.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 10 months ago

Not sure why it crashes. But it didn't for me.

As for exaggerating the hate, i've seen nothing but negativity towards it. IMHO it's one of the better changes to GM that has been made.

Castypher 13 years, 10 months ago

You sure? I've seen a lot of excitement over the little changes they've made, like room editor zooming, "Execute Code" renaming, some of the code editor revamps, etc. I've also seen good remarks about the new argument system, as it (to my knowledge) removes the limit from the number of arguments you can have to a script. If they had that with alarms, I'd be one happy camper, because I always find myself doing unnecessary work to accomplish the same thing in the step event.

Here's the problem people have. They have hundreds or thousands of script calls, all of which need to be changed to the new format. That's a lot of work to do, so I for one fully understand their complaints.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 10 months ago

I can sorta see how one would utilize the ability to ignore arguments in pre 8.1 games. I belive that unless an argument needs a value, it gets ignored (at least how the script in my game works), I think. I sorta understand. On the flip side, I was under the impression that arguments should be correctly done as 8.1 forces you to do all along. Perhaps blame my ignorance and lack of knowledge on that but I always coded that way to begin with.

And since all of GM's functions already acted that way (all arguments need something there), I still stand by the "deal with it" attitude. It sucks, but it's an update. And you should have done it right.

…However it does seem that up until now, there never was a specifc "rule" to scripts so I do sympathize SLIGHTLY. But only slightly.

And as for the negative/positive reactions - my only way of knowing that 8.1 was out was from some rants on how "crappy" 8.1 was. So unfortunately it had instantly started off on the wrong foot for me. And I saw a few things here and there but.. yeah. Mostly negative from what I found.

Castypher 13 years, 10 months ago

Let me first point out that I had no issues with the port from GM8 to 8.1, so there's no need to attack me in that category. I always filled out my argument fields whether they needed to be or not, just so I could keep track of things. What I'm saying is that not all people found the need to do so.

You may have realized by now that GM doesn't teach good programming habits. Well you would be right. But it looks like YYG is making a small effort in that regard. The problem is that while it's great that we should be taught good programming habits, we shouldn't be forced to use them. Some people like minimalistic coding. That means no tabs, no line breaks, variable names do not fall under the standard, etc.

So again, I say that I don't fall into this category of people, but I do speak for them. If you'd like to provide a good argument, refrain from attacking people. Minimalistic coding has never been against any rules. The only reason we are required to learn good programming style is because if we plan on making it our career, we need to be able to work with other peoples' code. However, many GM developers are just hobbyists and don't expect people to be able to read their code. So why should they be forced to follow professional standards?

In essence, that's where this argument lies. I don't expect you to agree, but I do expect you to step back, try another view, and at least understand.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 10 months ago

I didn't mean to come across as attacking you.

I do see your point. And since GML is it's *own* language, it's entitled to do whatever it does and doesn't want. I suppose since YYG is always more on the side of making it for those who want to learn, that's why they made the move that they made.

But still. For some reason I just don't see why one would ignore arguments that they have in their code. I guess it's just how I learned/am learning, you know?

KaBob799 13 years, 10 months ago

GM8.1 breaks support for .fon fonts which means my entire reason for downloading it (pokemon twilight) is pointless. I'm not gonna switch to a non-pokemon font and recalculate font sizes just because of a stupid glitch =/

Alert Games 13 years, 10 months ago

Yeah dont. More work.

Which is what the new version sounds like to me. More work.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 10 months ago


I do agree that seems a bit annoying… Somtimes aiming for pixel perfect TTF fonts can be a pain… at least from fonts I've used. Perahps an extention could be made to manage this - annoying (highly annoying IMO) but maybe doable at some point?

@Alert Games

Yeah, more work. Some of it unneccesary for many people, some of it I feel you should again, just deal with and re-work your code. I know there's a few things I gotta tweak in Win Ball (at least to playtest it when re-working it) but… yeah. Ultimately, to each their own. Not everyone has to like nor is it really possible.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 10 months ago

That's what i've got going right now… 8.0 and 8.1 side by side… although something is telling me I'll be sticking with 8.1.

BTW Cyrus, I added you if you didn't get my note.. You on skype right now?