YAS World

Posted by anthonyloprimo on June 9, 2011, 1:13 a.m.

Posting this from my PSP so sorry about the short posting. Anyone interested in doing some sprite work for the game? It's a SHMUP. I'd post more but like I said, I'm on a PSP. If this is too short for the front page then sorry.


So as the title says, the game is YAS World. Essentially, it's an arcade-esque SHMUP game. Not bullet hell (at least not like the Japanese shooters) but definitely one that has a steep difficulty curve.

While I'm a fairly competent artist, I feel it would be helpful for me to have a spriter of some kind on my team. Preferably one willing to do work - I understand life can get in the way but really…. Only agree to help me if you actually can help. I don't want enthusiastic applicants only to have a bunch of excuses instead of sprites in the end, you know?

Perhaps at some point the game will be submitted to YYG to be converted for PSP as well.

Anyway that's all for now


Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Now I'm no spriter, but the mention of a shmup in development sounds nice.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 8 months ago


I was working on this game for awhile and paused it. Then I lost the gmk. D:

Ferret 13 years, 8 months ago

It is pretty short, but at least it's about game development :P

If you could fatten it up some time soon I'd appreciate it.

As for your blog, sorry, I'm so spriter :P

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Not bullet hell

(at least not like the Japanese shooters)
I think there are some good non-Japanese bullet hell games, but I can't think of any as it seems to be a genre that we don't touch quite as much. At least, not as much as FPSs.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 8 months ago

If I play a shooter, I do NOT - and I stress that I do NOT want to spend most of my time looking at various designs formed by the projectiles, and constantly dying, having to find a very precise pixel to move to each time, only to hit the boss for 2 seconds, wasting a good 4 or 5 minutes on the boss doing so. I'll doze off. It's stupid. They have their own fanbase but it's not really my thing.

And it's arcade style so it'll still be intense.. you'll just actually have to play the game rather than stare at the screen for hours on end ;P

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Heheh. I love bullet hell. It's among the most intense (sub)genres I've ever played, requiring precision and fast reflexes. The patterns are supposed to be a distraction, and if they're a problem for you, then the designer has accomplished his task.

It's not for everyone of course. Tends to be hardcore/eyerape and is something you probably shouldn't be doing for hours.