Minecraft, Android, Scraggy, Delta Website stuff

Posted by anthonyloprimo on July 4, 2011, 12:04 a.m.

The server name is Delta. It might just change in the future but for now that's it. :D

As of now it supports 1.7.2. I'm surprised I didn't need to update the plugins too much. Everything runs amazingly..

As of now it's still kinda dead. Any ideas on mods I could use (don't say cheezemod. I'm trying to find a relatively interesting mix of mods so I DON'T ultimately clone the 64D server… unless KaBob is interested in trying to help me out with an idea I have). So far my PC seems to be handling it well. There has been little downtime and as I've only really had one or two people on at any given time (not including myself) I haven't noticed performance dips so far. I'll probably look to get a server later on tho - to ease up on my computer, and to avoid having a powerhouse running constantly, you know? Also, please give it a try… www.eagledesignmedia.net/delta is the site page. IP is there and so is the email to contact to get whitelisted.

I finally got "paid" for some work I did for someone - my Samsung Galaxy Prevail. As with my other phones, it's on Boost Mobile and I'm pleasantly surprised. It has Android 2.2 if I can recall. The only thing I don't care for is that the battery life kind of sucks. Hard. I heard droid phones can be pretty bad and… well yeah. This one matches that claim rather well. I intend to eventually get an external battery so I can go to work and NOT have to shut it down constantly.. lol

Whoever drew the scraggy is awesome btw.

And again, the server name is final as of now. Set in stone? Nope. But for now I've settled on Delta.

Lastly, does anyone need a website made? I could use some practice, and something to show on a portfolio. Right now it's basic stuff (gotta learn PHP and javascript) but I can attempt some things if needed. I'd be fairly cheap (or even free depending on the amount of design work I do) so even if it's a basic site you can at least get something to build off of on your own.


KaBob799 13 years, 7 months ago

If your a bit more specific about your idea I can tell you whether or not I will do it =p

Quietus 13 years, 7 months ago

mo' creatures mod man!

and i still think it'd help if you found a new spawn, one more conductive to building a city on.

Castypher 13 years, 7 months ago

Mo' Creatures is quite hard to use as a server mod. But if you could manage it somehow (mostly by having your clients also download and install the mods), then consider Millenaire as well. Those are my two absolute favorite mods.

Mo' Creatures (as you may already know) adds many, many new mobs to the game and it can be quite fun. Millenaire is a civilian NPC mod, where the civilians live in generated towns and upgrade with (and sometimes without) your help.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 7 months ago

Hmm. The main mods I'm interested in adding for the server is:

mo' creatures and some of the additional item mods (extended 2x2 crafting box mod for instance, as I do like it). Unfortunately it seems to always update just before the major updates (now it's 1.6.6 AFTER i updated it).

Is there any way to possibly convert these into server-only mods that people can just login and play for (without the need to have them use it as well)? Or perhaps attempt to build one LIKE them only?

KaBob799 13 years, 7 months ago

Mods like that are always going to be slow to update and require client mods as well. It's why we completely avoid them on the 64d server.

1.8 is going to be a huge and awesome update too, so any mods will take a while to update to it and you would be better off with the new 1.8 features than the mods. For example, in 1.8 there will be a variety of new blocks, ravines, new mobs, npc villages, ruins, giant mushrooms, etc etc etc.

DesertFox 13 years, 7 months ago

Industrial Craft! Or Pchan3's steampunk mods! Go steampunk!

Moikle 13 years, 7 months ago

buildcraft ftw

(when its updated)

mazimadu 13 years, 7 months ago


I have an assignment for you. I need you to code a portion of my site. If you are interested pm me.

BP Scraps 13 years, 7 months ago

*mazimadu disappears into the shadows*