Sometimes I have incredible luck witth customer service/getting help from people, and other times I'm absolutely kicked to the side by lady luck, and then promptly curb stomped. What a fickle lady.
So I come to you guys.I need a Plugin Project Manager. There are a few things this person would need to do (Not all are required)1. Create some plugins for my server - This isn't FULLY required, although as I've been unable to currently get Eclipse working nicely, I'm facing the same issue I faced years ago. And I'm not liking it. At all.2. Create a "master" plugin for the other plugins. Even if 1 can't be done comfortably, I'd like to make a macro plugin that simplifies the commands, and eases up on how much to remember, and PERHAPS pass some other op commands to non-ops (give, etc).3. (REQUIRED) Create a Chest Lockout plugin that - shut up and listen before you speak now - AUTOMATICALLY blocks access to any chest on a PER-GROUP basis. It works on a WHITELIST system instead of a blacklist system - If you're in an unallowed group, a specific chest needs to have the user/group on a WHITELIST in order to allow access for that one member/group. I've seen NOTHING like this on the plugin list and it's annoying.4. (REQUIRED IF 2 and 3 CAN'T BE DONE) Be the Plugin Advisor/Manager - Take the list of things I want, and if you can't make the plugins, you're tasked with finding them, and make sure they work together - all the while helping me set them up to work correctly.IMPORTANT: IF 3 IS NOT MET, MY SERVER MAY BE DOWN MUCH LONGER UNTIL I CAN FIND SOMETHING TO MEET MY NEED FOR A PLUGIN LIKE THAT.
Someone? Anyone? D:
I don't play Minecraft anymore…
I guess ill make plugins for you. I have nothing better to do. =P
>:o I could do this. The question is, do I have time right now? Maybe over the weekend…
64digits needs a chest protection plugin anyway.Jeremy and DesertFox - if you guys are serious, contact me. I got email, AIM, MSN, YIM… even skype. Let me know and I can give you that info to get in touch.
What is your MSN?
Awaiting adventure. And… don't know if it'll fit all your likings… I just saw the chest thing and was like…. Jaaa