64Digits and its design.

Posted by anthonyloprimo on Aug. 9, 2011, 7:03 p.m.

REMINDER: Any redesign has the prime intention of being practice and just one more thing to add to my portfolio. In the final version of this, any branding and logos pertaining to this site will be removed.

So I was looking at the front page, in my idea of a "redesign" of the site - I have the OK from FSX to do this for the hell of it, and as the idea is a partially working site (at least HTML and CSS working, lol) I'd like to look into the design right now.

After the navbar, I see the recent games/examples area, and a seemingly unrelated area that filters all, games and examples (seriously, the styling on the filter links make it look more like it's part of the area below, not above). Given the nature of this site, I can definitely see how this would be infinitely useful - recent games and example submissions (and of course viewing them all).

Then there's the 3 column area. There's the Latest News column. Recent Blog column and then the Recent Activity column. For some reason this seems rather redundant. Maybe it's just me, but it does - the Recent Activity area includes all current blogs along with forum and QDB posts. Is there a specific reason those two "recent" lists exist, or is it just leftover from before the Recent Activity List?

I think I'll be experimenting with variable width sites this time around - I've done it once or twice, but I'll be giving a minimum width of about 800px or so… MAYBE give a luxury of 1000px of content (I tend to lock in only 800px of content in width, with MAYBE 100px on either side for additional eye candy ("wrapping" around a content area for instance).

I'm looking at my paper. I've got a fairly snazzy new look to the navbar - similar, yet different and a bit more compact versus the current design. When everything is in place via Photoshop however, I'll be able to see how it looks on screen.

For colors… I have to admit - I despise bright, light colors. MOST color schemes hurt my eyes - I've had a thing for dark color schemes/themes, and overall, I must say that while the bright white background is a bit jarring in slightly less than bright light for me, it's one of the few designs that doesn't rape my eyes - literally. The overall appearance is amazing. For those that designed v3, kudos.

However in my design of this, I'll be toning down the colors - however I'll experiment with off-white instead of just going dark again - I wanna try some lighter designs - maybe with a tiny bit less contrast, and I'll see what will happen.

So… let's discuss.


Kamira 13 years, 6 months ago

64Digits and its design.* :p

I think the design is fine as is.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 6 months ago

Title fixed. Derp moment, LOL

As for the design - I'm looking to redesign for the sake of giving myself a project - and so I won't be so lost having to think up something. Recently I've been working better when I have something to do.

So let's say I'm commissioned to re-design this site, and you all die if you stick with this current design. Now let's say none of you want to die - whether you would or wouldn't want to. Let's say you all will work on re-designing things.

Let's discuss the blog above and get something together.

Quietus 13 years, 6 months ago

yeah actually i've been having a lot of trouble with bright sites like 64d lately. there should at least be a dark option, there are already people with custom CSS to make their pages dark.

BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago

One thing that I have a problem with is that it can be very hard for me to read light gray text on these white and very light gray backgrounds. Sometimes I even have to scale up the size of the site just to read something.

IDK, maybe I need glasses lulz.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 6 months ago

Sometimes there are huge issues on the topic of contrast - low contrast can form easy-on-the-eye reading, but if it's too low, it strains your eyes. Sometimes high contrast can be good, and it can be easy to read, but sometimes it turns into noise, hurting your eyes from the harsh contrast.

I've noticed that grey/light grey on white (with just enough contrast) or white-on-black color schemes work good, as long as there's enough contrast to make it readable without hurting your eyes.

At least most people I've talked to.

BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, I'm with you on that.

Kamira 13 years, 6 months ago

I've never had a problem with the brightness here.

Maybe we could make a mobile version? I don't know how it'd be different though.

JuurianChi 13 years, 6 months ago

Did you forget 64digits mini?

BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago


Mordi 13 years, 6 months ago

The old design was really great. The current one is okay, but it has many obvious flaws.