Minecraft Mob Quick Strategy Guide

Posted by anthonyloprimo on Sept. 1, 2011, 3:56 a.m.

So I keep hearing how some people have issues with fighting mobs, especially creepers. I know a few had issues with spiders as well, and it's definitely quite annoying.

While I don't have pictures, yet, I'll do my best to describe some strategies as best as possible.

The golden rule: Bow and Arrow. Every time. All the time. Forever.

….And ever.

Seriously though - bow and arrows are USUALLY the best choice - they have decent range, and allow you kill various enemies without them getting near you - just make sure you can do well with your aim - shots aren't instant of course, so you'll end up losing valuable chances if you are low on arrows, miss and can't retrieve your arrows right away.

However if you are in possession of a lot of arrows, then go buck wild! And that brings me to strategy number two, again with bow and arrows (not sure if this will work in 1.8 though!):

superduperbowmachinegunGOOOOOOOOO: If you're good with your finger…. no, not THAT WAY, perv… If you're good with button mashing, or if you can grip the mouse in a way you can control it while mashing that button, you can let off a stream of arrows, at quite a quick rate. You can easily empty a stack of arrows after a bit/tire out your hand/finger though, so make sure you have the energy/stamina/strength and of course items to do it! While not all shots will damage an enemy, it'll ensure that they will get well coated in arrows - and of course any arrows that fail to inflict damage - either by bouncing off or missing - can be picked up, ensuring you don't lose TOO many arrows.

Next strategy is with the plain old zombie. Sometimes their range is ever so slightly farther than yours. The main strategy that usually works is to inch yourself away from the zombie (perhaps alternating slow and fast movement (tapping shift) and mashing your button to attack them with your sword. They will usually get in just enough range to get a nice smack from your weapon without damaging you. Lather, rinse and repeat until done. The better the sword, the fewer hits needed to kill them and the higher chance of success will result (less chance of taking damage).

Next is the oh-so-loveable creeper: These green, explosive hug-craving jollies love nothing more than to blow up in excitement when they're around you… usually taking some of the environment with it, and other times, some of your precious structures. Many have lost their life fighting and hunting these creatures for their valuable gunpowder remains, and even more have been greatly wounded. When ranged weapons are not an option, and you absolutely must brave the dangers these creatures present, you must be bold, and use a sword. Preferably one of the iron or diamond type.

There's two methods to this - one ensures you land a successful hit every time, though you risk causing the creeper to explode if you fail to get away in time, either making you take damage, die, or lose the item drop. The other method, if you're feeling bold (or have a diamond/iron sword) almost instantly guarantees a successful kill, as long as you're quick and accurate. Otherwise there's a much higher chance of damage or death by creeper.

The button mashing trick from before comes into play here yet again. If you are sword-less, or have anything less than an iron sword, or if you're just playing it cautious, you'll want to use this trick: mash the button as you rush up to the creeper. The very moment you cause damage, haul ass away from it. Lather, rinse and repeat, making a big effort to not make the creeper die. If you have a stone sword, there's only 3 hits needed, and once you land one successful hit, move away, let the creeper's hissing timer count back up and take the next strategy:

With one hit already applied with a stone sword, or using a iron or diamond sword, this technique usually guarantees you kill these creeps…. no pun intended. …Well maybe a bit. Assuming total and complete control over your newfound button mashing skill, rush to the creeper, and keep at it until he's dead in two hits. As long as you keep mashing the button and keep your target on the creeper, he'll take damage as soon as he is able to. There is just enough of a window to kill him in two shots. Remember - if you don't land a good hit after you hear it hissing, get away and wait a few moments for the counter to go back up and try again.

Spiders are an interesting specimen. However destroying them is quite easy, once you can trap them so you can reach them, but they can't get to you.

Spiders have deadly range. And as such, attacking them head on is not wise. However, given their size, they can't fit through 1x1 wide gaps - this means they can't come in via a 1x1 hole in the roof (or any 1 by something wide gap for that matter), and they can't go by a 1x1 wide gap in the wall (it can be of any height of course). If you can get them to try and attack you via the roof, use the hole to poke them till they fall. And if they're trying to get through your OH SO SMALL door, stay just outta range of their attacks and slash away.

Skeletons can suck a nice big clock. The only major strategy that works for me is to keep moving, rush in between their shots, slash and move away quick. Lather, rinse and repeat. Bow and arrow shots are a bit tougher as they keep moving around quite a bit, so usually melee is the best choice. …No, don't throw melee onto one… I mean melee attacks - not ranged. D:


LoserHands 13 years, 5 months ago

Seems like a waste of arrows to spam, it takes seconds to kill a mob with arrows at full efficiency.

Also, you can just double hit creepers at the first possible moment and they'll cool down without a rush, and thats being safe, like with fists or a laggy connection. Otherwise you can land three hits before it explodes.

But yeah skeleton killing is tricky business.