I'm Learning Actionscript 3

Posted by anthonyloprimo on Jan. 12, 2012, 12:38 p.m.

Because it's the newest one and I wanna be able to try and develop games that I can get sponsored. Anyone particularly skilled in ActionScript in any way? I'm trying to port Deep Freeze, and I finally got a basic splash screen (but even then, not fully done).

I'm using the FlashPunk engine and FlashDevelop, and so far it's pretty cool. Been trying to understand how to organize things, and trying to associate different things with Game Maker - what a room would be, objects, etc etc.. I don't expect much to be -just- like Game Maker but it's definitely helped.

It would be pretty neat to use something like Game Maker (same interface, etc.) but for other languages. (Only once an object is made it can be further edited afterwards by altering the code itself, not ticking a bunch of options.)


Alert Games 13 years, 1 month ago

I'm not. Theres no uses for me to use actionscript more than stop, gotoframe, and pause…

I wish someone could make animations in it though, cause i would like one for my site D:

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 1 month ago

Tried learning flash (as in flash animating, using the Adobe Flash IDE) but that was made of fail. Couldn't figure it out.

Yet somehow in 7 hours, I make a splash screen. Animated, too. :D

twisterghost 13 years, 1 month ago

I'm pretty good with AS3, though it's rather easy to learn, especially if you had an understanding of AS2 (haha) and know Java.

Email me if you need some help, but I'd suggest taking it a step further and jumping right to HTML5 since flash is on it's way down right now.

Alert Games 13 years, 1 month ago

Flash is still used for animation and advertisements, also movie sites and stuff. But for more programming aspects HTML 5 is getting more popular.

sirxemic 13 years, 1 month ago

HTML5 is still in development anyways. 10 years to go.