I've been thinking about the contest, and the game, and I realized that This game is about the most work I've done on a game (not including YAS World), and it's actually complete-able. Between myself and link2x101, we have a game. Playable. Complete-able. All because of a deadline - and a deadline that had a consequence at that.
Dammit. No wonder why I haven't had a reason to work on the other games…Anyway, onto the point of this blog.For those of you who have played the competition edition of Deep Freeze - can you guys let me know what things you'd like to see added or changed? I'll be working on the game (and hopefully link2x101 as well) bit by bit.Perhaps you could throw some money our way? I know link2x101 could use the cash, and myself as well. Especially to help pay off the bills from the Christmas shopping insanity. ;P
not sure if this helps, but
Bigger maps with no time limit and open-ended solutions. And when you port it to Flash/Java, release an Android version. I'll be your test monkey for Android if you do.