Solution to unemployment?

Posted by anthonyloprimo on Jan. 16, 2012, 12:39 p.m.

So this idea just came to mind after I stepped out of the shower. Somehow. I didn't really think about it much, but I did think it was a pretty interesting idea so I'll post it here and see whether people comment/agree/like it, or flame me as per the usual with some random idea. (Only to have some random person as crazy as me agree/like it and something awesome happens).

And hell, I don't pay attention to government programs like this anyway so maybe this actually exists and I don't know that but whatever.

So you know the whole unemployment program, and the fact that some jobs are understaffed, either because of a lack of budget or sudden drop of workers (school, people leaving for other opportunities, etc.)? Well here's one that forces people to work to earn money, while giving jobs to people (in turn giving a business staff to do whatever without sacrificing funds they may not have for paying people).

The program pays the employee's salary, the job can choose to pay additional money (perhaps a total of $10/hr, 7.25 from the program and 2.75 from the job) or something, and maybe the business pays a small fee for being listed in this program (and thus being eligible to receive workers) as well as get a small tax break.

I can only assume this program could be abused to every extent, but as I said, I haven't fully thought it through. I just randomly thought of an idea like this.

Until the next (hopefully more interesting) blog post….


Toast 13 years, 1 month ago

Basically, nope. This is just printing jobs to solve unemployment like you would print money to solve debt. Doesn't work.

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 1 month ago

I too have many a solution to unemployment that've worked wonders in the alternate reality in which the government actually gives a shit.

Polystyrene Man 13 years, 1 month ago

So what you're suggesting is that people on unemployment need to work to receive their benefits?

I can see a couple problems with that. First, I doubt there are enough open positions to cover all the people on unemployment - and assuming that there aren't, who decides who works for their unemployment and who gets it unconditionally?

Assuming that there are enough jobs to fill, what is the company's incentive to hire non-unemployed people? In your model, it's advantageous for a company to accept unemployed employees (what a wonderful pairing of words) because they'll be getting super cheap labor - the state covers the labor costs. In fact, why even hire any legitimate employees at all?

Not to mention that when you have the freedom to find your own job, you (ideally) find one according to your personal strengths. If the state assigns you a job so that you can receive unemployment benefits (this is starting to sound like communism…) you're probably not going to land one that fits your individual strengths, so productivity will suffer.

death 13 years, 1 month ago

yeah makes no sense. so instead of companies paying the workers, they now technically get free labor and tax money is used to pay the workers?… where the hell would the tax money come from if tax money IS our income?

JuurianChi 13 years, 1 month ago

Aw darn, I thought this blog contained a way for me to make money.

(I need to upgrade my Web Server.)

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 1 month ago

Not all people could get the job - those qualified (i.e. not fired due to criminal issues, perhaps other criteria they must meet, though that can pose it's own set of issues). Those unemployed who are in the program can opt for specialized or un-specialized jobs - those who are unable to fulfil a specific position (i.e. management (most unlikely anyway..), or perhaps something like art or music would then go to (or choose) regular jobs they'd normally get - flipping burgers, or even random retail jobs.

Companies get cheap - or free labor - it's not a permanent fix either (it's intended to be an alternative to the person not even working and getting benefits) but again I dunno how this would work out - I randomly thought of it and not fully. It was just a random idea.

For those who'd wonder where the money comes from - it'd essentially be what unemployment is - only the person -IS- employed rather than sitting at home. The businesses would pay into it - a fee for being part of the program (not nearly as much as if they had hired outright). They'd also choose to pay additional amounts to the workers if they wish.

Again, remember - I thought this, but I didn't actually outline, design and create various life examples to understand and gauge how this could or could not work. I simply thought of it and posted about it.

However if you guys actually want we could make this like some school project and attempt to see if and how this could work, modifying it as we'd need.

LOL imagine.. the crazies of 64digits coming up with a solution to unemployment. D:

Polystyrene Man 13 years, 1 month ago

Not all people could get the job - those qualified (i.e. not fired due to criminal issues, perhaps other criteria they must meet, though that can pose it's own set of issues). Those unemployed who are in the program can opt for specialized or un-specialized jobs - those who are unable to fulfil a specific position (i.e. management (most unlikely anyway..), or perhaps something like art or music would then go to (or choose) regular jobs they'd normally get - flipping burgers, or even random retail jobs.
I think you might have missed my point…

Let's assume McDonalds has some open positions flipping burgers (or however they cook their food). The government decides to fill these positions with unemployed people, who now work for McDonalds, but receive a paycheck from Uncle Sam.

Why would McDonalds ever want to hire their own employees? They now can get the same quality of labor… for free! So, now, other unemployed people (the unlucky/lucky ones who weren't assigned a job) are going to have a harder time finding work because wherever they go, positions are already filled by people working for the state!

Conceivably, McDonalds could fire all their employees and then welcome them back as unemployed employees.

For those who'd wonder where the money comes from - it'd essentially be what unemployment is - only the person -IS- employed rather than sitting at home.
That's another thing - when someone is on unemployment, they're not supposed to be sitting around at home. They're expected to be applying to jobs. If they're already working a "job," they're going to have less time and motivation to pull themselves out of unemployment.

To me, the whole idea just seems to move towards a society dependent on government assistance, to the benefit of uncaring corporations.

Again, remember - I thought this, but I didn't actually outline, design and create various life examples to understand and gauge how this could or could not work. I simply thought of it and posted about it.
Oh I know. These are just my gentle rebuttals…

Alert Games 13 years, 1 month ago


JuurianChi 13 years, 1 month ago

I guess Ron wouldn't be a bad choice.

At least he isn't acting like a clown like these other guys.