Interesting Stuff

Posted by anthonyloprimo on March 1, 2012, 4:53 a.m.

I should be in bed, considering the last few times I got to sleep at like 8 AM (like yesterday when I had to wake up at 10 to be ready for work… Next thing I know it's 12:15 leaving me 15 minutes left for work… thank god I start at 6 PM today….

So…. In no particular order… Retail Story, EDM Update, and Deep Freeze.

EDM Update:

So I updated earlier on. All the pages are up fully, though I'm working on the next step on the site (and the game, of course) - designing the content area (maybe re-doing the navbar or something but the general layout is there and I have to settle on something, anyway. …Otherwise I'm gonna drown myself in designing and re-designing the site, getting nothing done. Might change the font of the general content tho… not everyone has Klavika and it looks iffy in some parts.

Deep Freeze:

So aside from the site being updated, I've started the game again after an unnanounced hiatus. The rush of working on the game kinda wore us out, not to mention school draining the time that Nick can work on this game. …So I've opted to handle the project however I can. So I ask you guys - would you people be interested in helping?

I want to nudge this game to a good "demo" point - something that's nice enough to be presentable (more so than the competition entry version). It shouldn't be -too- much, though something tells me the challenge might be working through the code. >_> And no, not my code. :S It seems Puri is a possibility with help, but anyone else interested? It would really help if we can get some extra help - at the LEAST until Nick is done with school. I've got a feeling that it's a good time to make a rush to push this game out there (and start the Kickstarter project, too).

Retail Story:

Life lesson for anyone and everyone: assume any customer in a store is a retard, is mean, rude, disgusting, annoying, nagging and so on. I don't care if you're an employee or another customer - unless you know them, assume that the customer is a complete waste of flesh and bone, and if they are even remotely cool or nice, then let it be a pleasant surprise. I'm working on a list of things that'll need to be done at night, when someone walks up to the counter. Alright, I'm hunched over, writing stuff down but I'm not doodling, drawing, or doing anything stupid. She approached me in a way she could SEE that I wasn't doing anything stupid, either. "Can you help me?" I hear in what sounds like a bit of an angry or annoyed tone - but I assume it's just their voice and everything is cool. "I want a card for my kid." she says. "Alright… boy or girl?" I ask. She looks at me as if I'm being an evil pedo or something. "…Well, anyway, perhaps these might be good." I continue, pointing to our wall of CHILDREN'S cards.

"These cards are way too juvenile, how am I supposed to give these to my kid?" she says, getting even more annoyed. "Erm… how old is this kid?" "He's twelve! These cards are too juvenile!" I stand there looking at her, mentally going "wtf". The oldest kid that most customers get the children's cards for has been about… 15? Sure, they're a -bit- on the kidd-y side, but still - not one problem before hand. "Well, what are his interests? I could think of a better suggestion if I knew." "Oh, he's into Miley Cyrus, and Justin Beiber. Regular kids stuff." is more or less her response. "Well… if these aren't what you like… though normally there's not issue with these.. We're going to want to look over there.." (I point to the card wall closest to the front of the store with general birthdays, while I walk over to there - so I'm not only making it clear that WE will look (implying I'm going to help her still) but I make the motion to do so.) "Yeah. You're a lot of help" she says rudely, storming out. She makes some gibberish while storming out as I try to explain I'm trying to help her and she leaves.


I dunno. maybe I didn't realize something I said came off wrong? But the other customer in the store felt that she was an asshole, too so whatever. :D

Okay I'll try to go to sleep now. It's almost 6 AM and I really should be sleeping.


firestormx 12 years, 11 months ago

Gotta love customers. XD

Rob 12 years, 11 months ago

I had a customer wanting to buy a cucumber (in like his 70s). I pointed him to like 3 different kinds and he's like "No, those are zucchinis. I want a cucumber.". Gotta love working in a grocery store where >50% of the customers are retired and probably legally blind.

firestormx 12 years, 11 months ago

I thought you said "a customer wanting to buy a computer" (I'm going blind too, I guess), and then the customer declared that the computer you pointed at was a vegetable, and he was looking for a different vegetable, after having just asked for a computer.

You then went on to say that you worked in a grocery store, that for some reason also sold computers.

Then, you implied that >50% of the customers that go to your special computer department in the store are retired.

I was quite confused.

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 11 months ago



Lol anyway. Needless to say that proves right there tthat the customer. Is NOT always right. ….meh. they're all idiots.


Rob 12 years, 11 months ago



That section was like three times bigger than the other sections…

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 11 months ago

I know. :P

Though it normally doesn't seem to matter for me. I'll post about different things, and no matter where I go, people will almost exclusively concentrate on the most pointless part of the post. XD

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 11 months ago

