Belated New Years and stuff

Posted by anthonyloprimo on Jan. 5, 2013, 12:58 a.m.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy/Merry Kwanza and Happy New Year. Or happy times to those who celebrate none of the above. :)

Got some cool stuff on Christmas - rollerblades, woodburning kit, Paranormal Activity 2 and 3, some cash, new PC Speakers and an early gift - a processor that'll go towards a brand new build I'm doing. I also got a surprise from FirestormX, who got me L.A. Noire, in response to my username which was like… 95% joking. "Someone should get me LA Noire" or something to that effect. So he got it. And I gotta say it's a pretty cool game.

Spent time at a family friend's house, watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Today, we snagged some groupon deals for some decent seats at the Astor Place theater for the Blue Man Group. Hell yes. It's in March but whatever - there were barely any seats left lol.

Deep Freeze is still on hold, as with YAS World, TWN and Project Zel. And the Mech Game. Working on the website though, as well as another one for a friend. Gotta get back to work on that stuff, though I gotta admit after my aunt's death, motivation is hard to come by, money or no money. D:

Anyway, hope people had a great holiday time, whatever they celebrated!

My resolutions for the new year (thus far):

- Lose at least 100 lbs this year (aim for losing 10-15 lbs each month). It's been a big goal for me for a while, and without any major distractions, it's time to finally get back in shape.

- Pay off all credit cards/accounts (pay at least $50 each paycheck, if not more). I've been paying a credit card for over a year - the recent job has let me pay a bit more back each month, so I wanna knock them out - after my splurge with my first card (which I am still paying off) I've been rather decent with my other credit cards/limits, so I intend to keep being responsible and NOT max out the card except for emergencies, of course. Or if I know I repay them as soon as I get home and stuff.

- Clear my desks, rearrange and KEEP them neat. Not as important as the others but hey - they've been in a massive fluctuation of neat and messy.. it's about time things get straightened up. Maybe keep them that way for more than a few months.

- Get my life back together - a social life, ease up the compute use when I'm not working, etc. Granted, I'm depressed about it, but without having to take care of my aunt, it feels odd to have free time - which is filled up by using the PC. I broke the habit for a bit, but then without being able to get out, I'm just on here if I'm not sleeping or working. It's time to get out of the habit and enjoy LIFE again.

There's some others but nothing incredibly major or important.


firestormx 12 years, 1 month ago

Psh, enjoying life sucks.

woodburning kit
What's a wood burning kit? Are there varying levels of wood burning kits? Are the cheap kits just a box of matches, and the higher end kits an entire barn built of dry wood, and pre-assembled molotov cocktails to throw at this barn? =D

eagly 12 years, 1 month ago

the higher end kits an entire barn built of dry wood, and pre-assembled molotov cocktails to throw at this barn?
… They should sell this as an "experience day". I would pay good money.