old halloween game, gonna recycle it and make it a little platformerupdateit's bad form to just post screenshots, so here's a demo!download it, if you wantotherwisei took some exams yesterday. i think i did great. at least i passed calculus, i studied for like a week for the final (because i slacked off all semester all pulled grades like a 62 and 34 on the exams, and i still ended up passing because i'm the fucking man)i got a 90 and 100 on my two final cs projects. i just need to take the exam part (3 part final: 2 projects, 1 exam), and then i can count that class as at least a bin a couple hours i take that exam (programming language implementation), and a couple hours after that i take another cs exam (computer architecture)i'm gonna kill that shiti like music, who else likes musicfucking untag my blog
Short. ?
Blog. ?
Report. ?
Done. ?
Game looks simple, and interesting. I'll be sure to try is when it comes out.
Beam, learn to make actual blogs. The characters in the IMG tags don't count as characters toward your character limit.<__________<what the hell do you guys care what i have to say anyway
all you want to do is see what games i'm working on, so i just make the blog less boringif you wanted to read all my boring things, you could just look at my web sitesLooks cool…
Beam is actually quite right.
[warning=This blog should be tagged]Blogs with very little content or ones that are for braggin purposes are against the rules and will be taken off the front page.
The phazon yoshi agrees with this, as the 'content' is two pictures 'bragging' about the user's game. Having said that, PY's opinion counts for didley squat, so carry on, as you were.[/warning]