Roguelike Field of Vision + 1DRL

Posted by beam on Feb. 8, 2008, 2:35 a.m.

One of the main problems with ICOM is that the player can only see a one square distance around him, and I'm sure that makes playing the game annoying for everyone. While I'm sad to say ICOM is discontinued, my forthcoming project takes what I've learned from it and makes the game that much more enjoyable.

I've been working on putting together a roguelike in one day, but I found that to do one properly, you need to do a whole lot of work. To save myself the time, I've been playing around with different engines that do different things, like generate dungeons. The engine I just came up with calculates the player's field of view. Places you haven't seen before are black, places you've visited but can no longer see are dark and dim, and places you can see are bright. Walls and blocks even cast shadows.

( Screenshot 1 )

( Screenshot 2 )

I'm going to release this as an example, and probably use a modified version in my upcoming project. Right now I just want to make sure there are no bugs. So, give it a download and tell me what you think.

2.8.08 2:40am

1DRL challenge has begun. I'll post what I have after 24 hours.

You can follow my progress on my project page. no you can't because 64digits is a piece of shit with no confirmation message when you hit 'delete' on accident

2.9.08 2:56am

I didn't finish the roguelike in a day. I finished dungeon generation, line of sight, message buffer, and the beginnings of monsters. I've released the editable for download.

( Download )

Lesson learned though. I had a lot of fun making this, and next time I try I'm pretty sure I can finish (I'll do it when I don't have to sleep, go to class, or do homework). In the meantime, I'll probably work on this at a normal pace and make it a real roguelike.


stampede 17 years ago

That. Is. Just. Fucking. Amazing! :O No bugs found at the moment.

OL 17 years ago

Actually very cool.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years ago

Ubah cool.

omicron1 17 years ago


This is all so familiar. As in, I've seen it before. But I won't burden your topic with that. Good work.

If you haven't already, you could implement a second "lighting" LOS computation, such that you could, for instance, have dropped torches cast light; dark and bright rooms; etc.

Polystyrene Man 17 years ago

Nice example. You're a very neat coder, too.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years ago

It's a field of vision, not lighting.

Graydon 17 years ago

Very cool.