Tarn Roguelike Engine

Posted by beam on March 12, 2008, 6:34 a.m.

This has been my pet project for a little while now. To use compile it, you'll need a C compiler, Lua 5.1, and the Doryen Library 1.2.1. To use it, you just need to edit Lua scripts. The wiki on the project page should provide enough documentation to get you started.


It's my new roguelike engine, which allows for the game to be scripted completely in Lua. I did it because it made everything so much easier for me. I originally wanted to write a roguelike in Python, but I also wanted to make it cross-platform without having to jump through all sorts of hoops. So I abandoned Python for Lua, and created this. I know none of you will use it, but I felt like showing somebody :(

linux binaries


you'll still need libtcod installed, because this needs libtcod.so and libtcod++.so

windows binaries


needs sdl, you all probably already have it though


stampede 16 years, 11 months ago

If I have the time to learn C(++) someday, I'm definitely going to see your code!

s 16 years, 11 months ago

Fraid all I've ever done is read about that Lua stuff. Most open source things offer a few commonly used binaries along with the source, may I ask why you don't make such an offer?

beam 16 years, 11 months ago

done, linux binaries posted

stampede 16 years, 11 months ago

When I get my old linux box running again, I'll test Tarn then!