|bd| Oral Examinations

Posted by bendodge on Oct. 5, 2011, 4:58 p.m.

My Public Speaking teacher has announced that our midterm will take the form of an oral exam. She gave us a list of 15 short-essay questions that we will draw from when we come to class Friday. We will each draw one and be given 5 minutes to prepare. We will then each give a 2-minute oral essay answering the question.

I'm less than thrilled about this new development, partially because it is an effective way to force me to study everything, but more because I do well on written/Scantron tests. I suspect I don't do as well on oral ones.

I received a 89% (B) on my first (and only) speech so far this semester because my delivery is lacking. It was a Cultural Analysis speech on the Orange Revolution and was well-written and massively researched, but I talked too fast (unsurprising since the time limit was way too short for the topic). I finished with less than 30 seconds to spare.

Anyways, since I already have a B in the class, I'm not thrilled about this extremely subjective exam. I emailed her asking if it is possible to score 100% on the exam. It's been my personal experience that teachers never give perfect scores for this kind of thing…my most recent paper from another class received a 99 with lots of positive annotations and no mention of what I could have done to improve.

Anyone else ever taken oral exams like this?

P.S. Please don't take this as an anti-school or anti-teacher rant. I love college; there are just a few aspects that I find annoying.

P.P.S. As I was drafting this blog, she replied, "If you answer your question accurately and communicate with clarity, concision, and conversationality [if you get a perfect score]."

My hopes have been renewed!


Moikle 13 years, 4 months ago

Oral exams suck balls

JuurianChi 13 years, 4 months ago

"Public Speaking"

Whats the point without an Oral Exam? (Almost said Oral ******)

bendodge 13 years, 4 months ago

It makes sense, but the freshmen speech classes had written exams.

sk8m8trix 13 years, 4 months ago

Tell them how much they all need to be saved!

Praying Mantis 13 years, 4 months ago

I've also noticed that it seems basically impossible to get a perfect score on anything but a test. I've rarely done that well to test my theory, but for visual art I've pumped out some (excuse my crudeness) amazing artworks that matched the criteria well, showed effort and technique, yet I only get an A, but not an A+.

It's at least good to hear you aren't petrified of public speaking. A lot of other kids are seriously afraid of talking in front of a class. I have an oral presentation happening soon, which I intend to execute with more effort and vigor than I usually do. This goal doesn't seem to hard to achieve as I have the chance to talk about something that I have actually chosen myself, and am hence interested in and excited about discussing it.

Also, I've never done an oral exam, I never even knew those existed :| .

bendodge 13 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I get nervous but not afraid, if that makes sense. I've no problem with getting up in front of people, but when I do, I involuntarily become stiff, shaky from adrenaline, etc. I can't seem to make my body not do that.

The teacher claims that she has given out perfect scores on occasion, so I'll see how it goes.

Praying Mantis 13 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I get nervous but not afraid, if that makes sense. I've no problem with getting up in front of people, but when I do, I involuntarily become stiff, shaky from adrenaline, etc. I can't seem to make my body not do that.
I can relate. I have a lot of self confidence, and I'm completely ok with speaking in front of (familiar) people, but I still kind of get shaky and whatnot.

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 4 months ago

Quote: Moikle
Oral exams suck balls
hahaha oh wow

that was fucking amazing