PC Problems

Posted by biggoron on March 10, 2007, 12:17 p.m.

There are a number of things going awry with my PC lately…

1) A persistent virus has been repeatedly attacking my PC. It's called infostealer.bancos. Every time it appears, Norton tells me about it, tells me it's been deleted, but it keeps appearing over and over again, nonetheless. It's starting to get pretty annoying, especially if I'm playing a game when Norton tells me about it.

2) explorer.exe seems to go periodically crazy, by taking up ~100% cpu and twice the RAM it normally should. It doesn't happen for my brother but it's happened to me three times today. It's never happened before and I don't know what's causing it. I think it may be WindowBlinds, although i've never had this problem with it before. I'm changing my skin to the one my brother uses to see if it has any effect.

3) It's not exactly a PC problem, but it's in that general area. The postal code edit box in WoW's registration form isn't long enough to accommodate my entire post code. It seems I may have to register some other way, perhaps by phone, which is a little annoying.

I have two science GCSE's on Monday, and I'm not feeling very confident about it. I'll have to cram in some revision tonight and tomorrow night. I also have a fuck load of homework to complete by next week. Weekends just aren't long enough.

My work experience starts in a few weeks. I'm not sure exactly where I'll be going or even where I want to go. I'm thinking that I could maybe work in a shop. One that doesn't have many customers, like a computer shop or something. That would be handy considering there's one in the town centre, which is pretty much on my doorstep.

I got an assembler today, and I'm hoping to start learning assembly soon. I can't seem to find any good tutorials. If anyone has a good x86 assembly tutorial, please point me to it.

I'm thinking of creating a 3D modeller, mostly just as something to work on, not necessarily for it to be better than any others.

If anyone has any solutions to any of my PC problems or a tutorial for x86 assembly, please tell me.

Peace, y'all.


flashback 17 years, 11 months ago

Looks like it's… vaguely up now, try looking through the DB. IF you can't get it working with wine, ask at Mepislovers and they'll find you an alternative program which is linux-based, or refer you to VMWare Player for windows emulation.