WTF is up with school?

Posted by block0man on March 7, 2007, 8:48 p.m.

The other day in school, we started doing poetry. I always like poetry because you can't get graded on what you write, since it's all about free expression and all that stuff. So, we had to write poems about things that you regretted doing in your life. I wasn't in the literary mood, so I wrote this.

A boy was walking down the street

He turned into an alley and…

There was a wizard

Like a beaver building a dam,

The wizard spun

And held out his arms

"Little boy"

he said

The boy froze in his tracks

like a car, or truck,

hitting into a large brick wall

"A magic bean"

said the wizard

He held out his hand

a large hand on a large arm

like a large stick

And he held in it a magic bean

a small one

like a pea

And he stared into the boy's eyes

and opened his eyes so wide

that his eyelids curled inside out!

So the boy kicked the wizard in the shin,


And ran away

like a tiger eating a baby in the moonlight

But what if he had taken the bean?

I don't know.

The woman who was teaching the class, who is actually a kind of famous poet who lives in the area, randomly chose mine and read it to the class out loud. But the craziest thing of all was that when everyone was leaving the class, she stopped me and started saying how she liked my poem so much and how it was funny. Then, the next day my real english teacher who had been sitting in the back of the class during poetry came up to me and told me how she loved my poem, and asked if I was going to read it to the audience in the anual "poetry jam" my school is having next week. I have tuturing or something that day, so I don't think I'm going to go, not that I would want to.

It's so messed up, because when I try to write good essays in school I get average grades, but when I do things jokingly everyone loves it. I don't know. School is messed up.


RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 11 months ago

Jack and the Bean Stalk, except cooler. Yep, I act stupid and all the peeps love it, except my band teacher (bitch).

atsurai 17 years, 11 months ago

xD That rocks.

Theodore III 17 years, 11 months ago

That is the best piece of poetry I have ever heard.


Well done. LOL at messed up school.

Alert Games 17 years, 11 months ago

lol your metaphors are a little obvious there…

I hate poetry, it sucks ass.

I had to write 7 poems, and it was due today. >_> Luckly I finished, so here is one of mine:


I should take a stand, raise a hand

For other people, at least motivation,

“What about?â€? one would probably ask,

and I would respond “taking a stand.â€?

Less are encourages to do so,

Why? Well it isn’t actually hard to know.

Fit in with the crowd, don’t want to be put down.

How could you express light,

When you don’t show,

And don’t tell it to the night.

Don’t go without a fight,

Tell it to the night.

deepermeaning 17 years, 11 months ago

Beh. My english teacher is always tring to make people feel good about themselves. They could read a horribly shoddy written-in-5-minutes-'cause-I-really-don't-care poem or whatever, and she'll be all, like, "omfg heart <3".

Jabberwock 17 years, 11 months ago

I don't think that's the case here, though. I thought it was pretty funny, at least the part that goes, "like a tiger eating a baby in the moonlight".

block0man 17 years, 11 months ago

She didnt' read it just to make me feel better, at least I think, because she read it to other classes after mine according to my friends. When I get the rest of the poems back I'll put the rest of them up here.

Jaxx 17 years, 11 months ago

WTF is right with school??