Hay guys. I've just gotten some lovely artwork off one of my pixel artists for Blastforce. However, I'm in need of some opinions. I seem to have mixed feelings.
I'm after a SNES, anime-like feel to the art. Look at these screenshots for an example.http://www.fantasyanime.com/animerpgs/pssm_shots.htmI've gotten two versions of the same building, but I can't decide which one is better. Help?Please give opinions. And DO NOT use these in your own games!http://64digits.com/users/Firefly/b1.pnghttp://img340.imageshack.us/img340/5439/buildingzw5.pngMany thanks. Plus an internets if you do reply. (Also, more artists needed. PM me or leave a comment.)Over,blue
Thanks for the comments. I'll relay the comments onto my artist.
the first one seems to be preferred.
Yeah. It needs a bit SNES-ing up, though. It's great work, still.
Hey that guys a pretty good artist.
Ya, he is.