Udated news on Neo Sonic Wacky Chaos!

Posted by bond258103 on May 18, 2006, 6:27 p.m.

Alot have been changed about this game since my last blog entrie. Here are some of the features and things I've done since my last post:

1.) Play as Sonic or Shadow with each their own storyline and ending, and even for example, Sonic can't access certain places but Shadow can using Chaos Control.

2.) Huge levels with each multiple paths and secrets

3.) 9+ levels

4.) Prerendered cutscenes using flash 8 and imported into GM 6.1

5.) A new font has also been used if you look at the screen from my last blog the font is ugly looking

6.) 2-4 players in multiplayer

7.) 3 Mini-Games

8.) Unlockables and plenty of them.

9.) Once the chaos emeralds have been collected you get to be super sonic and get the real ending which is the 10th level

10.) 360 degree engine by damizean for slopes and loops.

11.) And also each character has their own moves.

12.) Parallax backgrounds.

Alot has been changed in my game and the great thing about it is that it's 75/100% done. So it should be coming out this June. This game is also the beginning for Sonic Revolution!

- Zonar Games


devilgoku 18 years, 9 months ago

sounds like fun, but i dont see screens of shadow or any of these unlockables or any of that good stuff yet..

bond258103 18 years, 9 months ago

thanx well its a beta, a demo is going tobe released 5/20/06 or 5/21/06! So you'll get to experience some of the quality's