Nintendo Wii NEW SHIPMENTS!!!

Posted by brosbm on March 31, 2007, 11:05 a.m.

The other day, during my spring break, my brother and I decided to get up early, ie 9:00 am, and go to some local stores to by chance see if they'd gotten some new Wii shipments that morning. Well, first of all most places had PS3's in abundance, but I don't want a PS3, at least not when it is price >> 500 USD no matter how many great games it has. Wii may not have the best games yet, but its a new innovation that will be improved upon, and I could get maybe 2.25 Wii's and at least 2 games for the price of one BluRay giant with its damn expensive optical laser approaching the higherenergy invisible electromagnetic range. If Sony can ever pay for its overhead maybe it will drop in price.

Well I went to Gamestop and whaddaya know, they have one Wii! But, its been returned. "Nothing is wrong with it" they say, since they plug in and test every returned game system or controller unit that they get returned or buy used. This Wii would be significantly less than the standard 250.00 dollars, so I could probably buy an even THREE USED Wiis for the price of one PS3. So I impulsively buy this used "nothing is wrong with it Wii" and then later regret it because there is something VERY WRONG WITH IT, right?

Nope, it turns out there isn't really any such thing as a "used Wii". That's because all new game systems, ya even PS3's still have to be returned to the warehouse if the buyer returns it to the store. Now I can study for my right-after-spring-break physics midterm instead of playing Wii's and writing an internet blog.


blueBX 17 years, 10 months ago

Great? I've been having a Wii since last year [:)]

IdiotProof 17 years, 10 months ago

Midterms? I had midterms in November or December… I still, personally would rather buy a PS3 or a Xbox360 over a Wii. The Wii seems more of a novelty to me.

Patrick7286 17 years, 10 months ago

snowboarder thats just propaganda spread by sony officials because theyre mad that the wii outsells ps3 5 to 1

Cesar 17 years, 10 months ago

I got my wii in November :D

and he probably has 2 year halves, with midterms in October and March, like me XD

chiggerfruit 17 years, 10 months ago

Wii definitely has better games at release. PS3 games don't even use the full graphic ability.

brosbm 17 years, 10 months ago

Well ya, I don't think many game developers are totally sure how to exploit all of Ps3's graphics capabilities yet. Definitely games like Zelda and the soon to come smash Bros version 3 are good games that help put Wii on top.

rappybas 17 years, 10 months ago

I have the Wii since 28mrch

And the games are great! :)

WaleedAmer 17 years, 10 months ago

I've had my Wii since October I think…

RetroVortex 17 years, 10 months ago

I got my wii for christmas, (but really I got it on launch day (hooray for Dixons!))

Its a cool console, but at the moment the games aren't as great as they could be…

(Godfather is ok, but the other new games here (UK) are not quite so good, really holding up for SSBB and super mario galaxy)