Keep an eye out for my game demo coming soon

Posted by carritohmc on Sept. 30, 2013, 8:17 p.m.

It's been quite a while since I last posted on here. A lot has happened. I was making good progress on my game and my computer crapped out, I managed to fix my computer since Dell flat out refused and then it just crapped out entirely.

I pretty much gave up on my game, but my wife convinced me to at least give it another go.

So far: I have a short level, all assets are working, and 2 bosses, I'm about 40% done and will have a demo up and running within the next two weeks.

The game was originally supposed to be a Metroidvania type sidescroller, but much of that incarnation of the game was lost, so it has an Order of Ecclesia or perhaps Dracula X type of level system (multiple paths per stage) and players can replay stages.

It plays like Final Fight meets Castlevania, touching enemies doesn't cause damage, they instead attack like a standard beat em up, but it contains platform heavy levels, I'm hoping I nailed the secret sauce for good platforming with good, challenging combat.

Here are a few screenshots with brief explanations:

The character setup screen was inspired mainly by side scroller shoot em ups (Einhander, R type).

This is the main character getting crossed up by one of the main brawler type of enemies.

if you notice the top left has three bars, the first one is health, the second one is stamina for regular attacks and the third bar is meter (same as fighting games), the character just executed a "super" move, that was in turned shattered by the boss.


JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

Looks interesting.

I love it when developers use hand drawn graphics in-game.

carritohmc 11 years, 4 months ago

Thanks, I love playing old school hand drawn 2D games, and wanted to have a 90s comic book look to it. I'm hoping to get this finished and in people's hands in a few months, unless my PC breaks down again LOL. At least this time I backed everything up.

spike1 11 years, 4 months ago

Wow, this game looks really cool! I love the art style, and the effects on the menus and the super moves are awesome :D. I haven't played any games similar to this yet, so I can't comment on how it compares to others, but I like the idea of being able to replay stages to get better levels and whatnot :D. Good luck with your game, it looks cool :).

DaSpirit 11 years, 4 months ago

Graphics look superb. Nice job.