It's ph0x.

Posted by chao1212 on Sept. 5, 2009, 11:04 p.m.

Hey, you guys probably remember me. That troll guy from a year or two back, that's me. Just made this new account to say that I'm not like that anymore, I've joined a few communities on other sites and I've been making me wonder about what happened with 64D since I left. I'm sorry I was an ass, but since then I've been learning the basics of Python, BASIC, and C++. I can't make anything worth using, but at least I've got the syntax and basics down pretty well. I'll probably be banned for making a new account, and this will probably be a short blog, but I don't care. This place is practically dead since when I used to come here. Speaking of dead, whatever happened to FireFlyX and It's been like two years now, and nothing. I pm'd Twinsoul and told him I was using this account now, so if you guys have any doubts about the authenticity of this, ask him, because I'm probably not coming back after this. Anyway, I guess I better ad some other stuff about stuff that's been happening so this won' t be a short blog. Hmm, I just bought the book Battle Royale by Koushun Takami, and it's pretty good. It's fucked up beyond belief, but it's awesome, and since I've left 64D I joined GBAtemp, a website for DS homebrew games and applications, it's pretty cool, and I'm trying to learn C++ to make some games and applications for it, but if anyone's interested and doesn't want to learn to code, there's a DS game maker available and a Wii game studio, too. For some reason the majority of the homebrew developers for the DS are French, and the games they make are really strange. I'm thinking about buying a new Chinese gamulator console called a Dingoo that can play quake, doom, and a ton of other ported games. It's got a really active homebrew scene right now. Any of you guys heard of it?



RC 15 years, 5 months ago

Learn the use of paragraphs.


chao1212 15 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, didn't feel like making more than one paragraph. Thanks for being a cock.

KaBob799 15 years, 5 months ago

I remember your name from the warned user list

chao1212 15 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I left around when you became a mod.

Toast 15 years, 5 months ago

probably don't remember me you

probably not coming back after this

PY 15 years, 5 months ago

Being mean is mean. It is good you have stopped being mean.

We should to, because hey guys, we actually need members and elitism isn't going to help that.

Toadsanime 15 years, 5 months ago

Welcome back I guess, good to hear you're no longer here to troll. :D

Though if you made a new account just to tell us you may not be on again after this then I don't really see a point, so hopefully you stay. We may even see some games from you.

panzercretin 15 years, 5 months ago

Hope you stay, man. Dunno why you picked me to PM, but still, thanks. Also, me and hel are trying to work on something that'd do best on C++ or something similar. PM me or him for details.

ATOGAMES 15 years, 5 months ago

I read about it(Dingoo)but passed it off as another bootleg from china.

SteveKB 15 years, 5 months ago

Thanks for being a cock.
you has some lrnins to do