Birthday, iPod Touch

Posted by chao1212 on Nov. 6, 2009, 9:22 p.m.

Hey guys, haven't been active for a while, thought I'd make a blog post talking about some stuff that went on recently. Well, October 30th was my birthday, got $200 cash, spent it on an iPod touch, not sure if it's second or third generation. I've already got over 70 applications and stuff on it. It's also jailbroken. Just recently found a wi-fi signal to download Cydia for it. Couple of the highlights on it are SophistimaCalc, a scientific calculator with it's own programming language and an ugly interface, but it's nice, the other is called Eliminate, it's a shooting game that's pretty well made. It's got online capabilities, along with upgrades, looks pretty successful. Haven't had the chance to try out the browser yet, I'm going to buy a wi-fi adapter soon, really wish you could use the usb cable to connect to the internet on it, because it sucks without it. I'm downloading some movies for it through uTorrent, I'm way to lazy to rip the video from a dvd. Anyway, I'm thinking about starting some new projects, mainly a book that I'm not going to post any details about whatsoever, and another, much more ambitious that, with my limited programming capabilities and extremely short attention span, will probably never be finished. Oh well, it's an interesting idea for now, and it could develop into an iPod touch app, appstore or cydia-based. Video's already at 60%, god I love torrents.



Toast 15 years, 3 months ago

a book that I'm not going to post any details about whatsoever
Trust me when I say the plot has been done before, and will be done again, and considering there are thousands of published books for us to steal from, a random guy on the internet will not be a cause for concern. Just FYI. ^^

Alert Games 15 years, 3 months ago

hey i have one of those

chao1212 15 years, 3 months ago

@Toast: Yeah I know, but it'll probably never be finished, so I don't feel like posting details.

Also, just got a linksys router, it's nice.