Not much to talk about...

Posted by charlo on May 24, 2005, 11 p.m.

Still haven't gotten our computer back. I think I might write a novel detailing my harrowing ordeal. I've been without a decent computer for over 2 months. None of my GM projects are getting done, I can't play any of my games (or any other games, for that matter), and I can't get songs onto my iPod. Thanks a whole freakin' lot, Compaq.

But I do have some good news: school's out in two weeks. I'm ready to get away from the incompetent morons at my school and back to solitude.



firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Man, that sucks so much.

You should go out and get a job, and buy a new computer. =P

charlo 19 years, 9 months ago

Nah, I'm too lazy to get a job. The only jobs avaliable for 15 year olds are in fast-food restaurants.

Shawnanator 19 years, 3 months ago

What are you using as a computer? Internet Cafe?