*Whimper* *Sob*

Posted by charlo on June 3, 2005, 11 p.m.

Part four of the thrilling psychological drama, "Compaq blows":

We got our computer back from repair. I was happy for 15 minutes. Then it turned out that they hadn't installed any modem drivers or something, so we couldn't get on the internet. No point having a computer without internet, right?

It's getting sent back, and the repair dudes say it will only be a day job. And next time we get it back, it had better work. Because now, I am royally pissed.

Please excuse me while I go sob in the bathroom.



firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

lol, it shouldn't be too hard to get drivers. Just get 'em on another computer, and burn/copy it to a floppy.

charlo 19 years, 9 months ago

I'd rather have the pros do it for risk of me fu*king up the computer more than it is already.