Yes! w00t

Posted by charlo on June 6, 2005, 11 p.m.

We got our computer back, and everything is working perfectly. Now I can use GM again. w00t.

OMG w00t!

And some more good news: School's out! Yes! I only had to take one final exam today and I left at 9:30 in the morning. Plus, I got a 95% on my German final. I still have a C in Social Studies, but who gives a f*ck? Biology, English, and Band were idiot-proof.

This is shaping up to be an excellent day.



Canadonian 19 years, 8 months ago

Glad to see your so happy. My cat just died, i lost my job and my girlfriend left me. all in one day. i think it might have something to do with my schizophrenia…

firestormx 19 years, 8 months ago

w00t! You FINALLY got your computer back!

And the forum will be up soon, so you can view it in all it's primitive glory with your compaq! Yay!

Requiem 19 years, 8 months ago

Wow. That's a nice day you've got going on!

Well, It's also nice to know that no matter how much my day is sucking, matt had a much worse day. Joy!