Report Card

Posted by charlo on June 18, 2005, 11 p.m.

Ooh, not so good. My cumulative GPA for the semester was a 3.065. In the fourth quarter I got a C+ in English, C+ in Biology, C+ in Geometry, and a C in Social Studies. At least I'm consistent. :P

I've resolved to try harder next year, seeing as I want to go to some form of post high-school education.

In GM news, I haven't been working very heavily on any of my projects. I might have a few small games done soon though. What I really need to do is get a bunch of my major WIP's to my new computer from my laptop. Aargh, too much work.



Shawnanator 19 years, 3 months ago

Well, its better than a D or an F. :P

I got a D in bio, which isn't too good