My Birthday II

Posted by charlo on April 23, 2005, 11 p.m.

I got an iPod mini for my birthday. I also got some other stuff, but the iPod overshadows it all. W00t.

I don't have any music on it yet, but that's because my new Compaq that I got for Christmas is being stupid. Here's the problem: it starts up, then it shuts down. That's it. No matter what I do during startup, it does that. We've reinstalled windows and reformatted the hard drive and it still doesn't work. I'm thinking corrupt stick of RAM, what do you think?



firestormx 19 years, 10 months ago

Congrats on your iPod. =)

Is it true you can instal Linux on it? (I heard some guy say you can yesterday. I havn't looked into it or anything.)

Anyway, about your compaq…Do compaq's do a memory check on boot up?

I've got another computer in my house, and it's a compaq, and it doesn't do a memory check. It's an older one though, so they may have implimented that feature in newer versions.

Anyway, on most motherboards they either automaticaly do a memory check, or have an option to perform a memory check on bootup. This checks to see if there is any corrupt RAM.

If you just got it for Christmas, it should have that feature, or some sort of way of checking for corrupted RAM.

So I'm thinking, that since it hasn't given you a warning, it might just be the motherboard itself. The computer is fairly new right? 5 months old? It should still be under waranty right? You should take it back to the shop, and have it looked at.

firestormx 19 years, 10 months ago

In response to your message:

I'm planning on making the download counter soon…Eventualy…Soon…Yeah.

It's in red on my "to do" list. It'll get done. =P

I was thinking about using a smiley system for your userpage. It'll work kind of like MSN's. You upload an image, and you can assign it a string. And whenever the uesr puts that string, it puts a smiley. And there'll be smiley packs, for people who don't want to upload their own.

Basicaly, it'll be custom smileys.

And what do you mean by text decoration? Like BB code, to do stuff like underline, colourize, etc?

And about that dropdown…I don't know of all the genres that would be used, and I don't want to limit people to only one genre. What if it's a cross-genre game? For example, JakeX's Xspace game, was an rpg-action game.

Speaking of JakeX, he should really start adding more of his games…

Anyway, thanks for the sugestions. =)

If you can think of any more sugestions, even if they seem silly, go ahead and tell us. ^_^

Arcalyth 18 years, 4 months ago


Blanket 17 years, 3 months ago

glare birdy?