
Posted by charlo on April 29, 2005, 11 p.m.

Last night I went to a movie and there were some young kids 4-6 y.o, who just would not shut up. It was hard to concentrate on the movie when there was constant high-pitched complaining behind me about not getting enough popcorn. Then came the crying. The crying went on for about 2 minutes before the Mom decided to take her kids out.

This really pisses me off. I know that there are some parents that don't believe in over-disciplining their children, but at least make them be able to shut up for 2 hours. And if you can't do that, at least take them somewhere where nobody wants to choke you death when they start crying. Irresponsible parents make me angry.

On other news, I still don't have my computer back. But it's not expected for another few days, so I wasn't hopeful.



firestormx 19 years, 10 months ago

lol, it may put your blog to shame, but your ability to do something other than sit here typing about how much Baby Bottle Pops costs, puts my life to shame. =P

I actualy havn't been to a movie that has more than two other people in the theatre in a loooong time, but I know what you mean about the kids not shutting up in places where they're supposed to be quiet. XD

Canadonian 19 years, 10 months ago

lol thats so funny. kids can be anoying, but fun other times. i say, blame the parents!!

mesenberg 19 years, 9 months ago

lol! Another name for it is the peanut gallery, thats what they call all the people making noises in the movie.

Requiem 19 years, 9 months ago

<font color=#00b2ee>Heh. Yeah. I always bring a few solid objects with me when I go to a theatre, just in case…</font>