How I wasted my Saturday

Posted by charlo on April 30, 2005, 11 p.m.

Saturday (yesterday) I had to "compete" in the state Solo+Ensemble "competition". It was a 1 1/2 hour drive there, and then I got to spend 7 hours there. Then we drove back. I hardly used the computer at all yesterday. It sucked. One good thing, I got a "1" on my solo. I didn't even try. There were people crying in the hallway about how they had worked 4 years just to get a 2. I worked for 1 year and got a 1.

The reason this is relevant is because I was going to upload a few more of my games yesterday. Oh well. I might upload them today if I find time and stop being so lazy.



Canadonian 19 years, 10 months ago

I assume a 1 is good? lol dont you just love how you can laugh in the face of people who try; when you havnt done a thing to earn it? thats just mean, but funny lol.

Requiem 19 years, 10 months ago

ah, so true.