Posted by charlo on May 1, 2005, 11 p.m.

Today instead of working on GameMaker (which runs erraticaly on my laptop) I expirimented with trueBASIC, a BASIC programming language that is identical to the language found on computers from the 80's. It was easy to figure out, but the program is buggy as hell. It also has crappy graphics support, but that's what you'd expect for a programming language modeled after something twenty years old.

I made a Guess the Number game. It sucks. But I think it's good for only 30 minutes work. I might upload the .tb file if I decide to get motivated.

And I have some good news from school, I have a D in Social Studies! It might be that I got a 27/50 on the biggest assignment of the quarter and an 8/20 on the second biggest one. Oh well, I think I can get it up to at least a C+.



Canadonian 19 years, 10 months ago

D? isnt that bad =P but then again, who tries in social studies =]

firestormx 19 years, 10 months ago

Congrats on the 1 yesterday. =)

Basic is fun eh?

No, not really eh.

I found it boring. But hey, it's good to know.

"Yup, I know basic. What do you know? <_<" =P

Social studies sucks.