Ice skating tips please...

Posted by chiggerfruit on Nov. 6, 2006, 3:46 p.m.

I'm calling upon the community for help… as you might know i'm planning to go ice skating with the girl in the previous blog… pretty different and romantic no? Problem is… i've never ice skated at all… some of my friends say it's nothing like rollerblading. My friend say it's exactly like rollerblading only you should skate on the inside of your feet… i have a feeling my butt and the ice are gonna be well acquainted… so what's your say?

Okay flashback wants more junk in here so i'll add some… hmm… i had school today. amazing huh? My english teacher pulled me over and told me i need to stop relying on being a cute and actually do my work… wtf? That's actually kinda wierd. Okay that's enough filler.


Pobble-Wobble 18 years, 2 months ago

Iceskating isn't hard, you should get used to it in about 4 minutes.
It takes me 2 hours to get used to it, and by then, my session is over.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 2 months ago

Well, I'd say practice before you go with her, if you can, so that you're much less likely to fall on your ciribot. Practice, and get comfortable with it.

Bex 18 years, 2 months ago

well, I've seen ice skaters on the T.V before, and what they do to balance, is they crouch down a bit, so that it's easyer to stay on.