What a Lovely Confusion

Posted by chiggerfruit on Feb. 9, 2006, 5:36 p.m.

Okay, more ex-girlfriend trouble. Yipee!! Bring in the popcorn and turn out the lights! Uber-long entry coming up:

This story starts in the eighth grade, around May when i asked out this girl at my school. Now this girl is a really awsome girl in my opinion, not like the MOTHERFUCKING WHORE in my other blog entry. Anyway, this girl and I went for a month and had a great time. We both shared our first kisses (if you exclude the 15+ kisses i had to give this girl during the whole length of a school musical, hey anything for the spotlight right =D) at the Hershey Park Kissing Tower, which really has nothing to do with kissing at all cuz it's basically a quick tour aboard a moving tower. They give you absolutely no intimate time with your love interest! xD

Anyway the drama starts at the exactly a month after i asked her out. Now ya see, she really wasn't supposed to have a boyfriend according to her mom's rules. So when i bought her trinkets for a small celebration, she said she couldn't take them home. "¿Por Que?," ¿Tu preguntas? Well she was afraid that her mom would be angry. To tell you the truth, i may be a pretty bad trouble maker at school, but the parental public, besides my parents, think i'm the cleanest thing since distilled water, so she might have been overreacting a bit. She was even to the point of crying… i felt like crap at that point. Well two weeks later she breaks up with me because it's the summer and she wants to keep her options open. I ask if there's a chance we could get back together and she answers we'll "Of course! We'll see in the fall."

So think about her all summer, try to get my mind of her, try to live the rest of my life blah blah blah. Then about 2 months into the summer, i get an e-mail saying she's sorry for being such a bad girlfriend and if i forgive her, which of course i do. So i see her in summer orchestra practice, really boring stuff, and we feel kinda awkward around each other. So i try striking up conversations and then we get back into talking like friends. Now, with the push and shove of mi amigo, who moved to China by this time, i go and ask her if she has feelings for me. She answers, "I don't think i can handle a boy friend right now, i'm sorry." So i go home, devestated. D'x

So school starts, she starts accusing me of stalking her? (wtf?) and her friends say she wants to make sure i'm over it. So i get into a fling with that MOTHERFUCKING WHORE. Two months pass, we finally get on speaking terms because our friends think it's unhealthy that we have our backs turned to each other (friends are awsome). So, we're basically friends again, though we barely see each other during the day. A couple months roll by and then i hear from one of my friends that she likes this one junior kid (i later found out it was just cuz he's good at violin… pffffft xP).

So another month rolls by and then she finds out that i know who she likes. So she calls me over in a study hall and she starts asking me for advice. At this point, i *thought* i was over her, so i'm like what the heck why not. So we spend a study hall laughing joking around talking about stuff. She then tells me she also has a crush on one of my best friends, which i'm like whoa. Then a week later, she pulls me over at lunch and we spend all of lunch talking one on one a predicament she has with that best friend of mine. It seems that in a note, my best friend is asking her out without asking her out, and, although she likes him, she doesn't want a boyfriend. A week passes by, and my friend keeps acting like a douche bag xD, so she just drops the whole thing. Now, i spend quite a bit of time talking to her during the day, and guess what. I JUST HAVE TO GO AND LIKE HER AGAIN. xD

So now i'm like, i'm screwed… she doesn't want a boyfriend… but i like her… and… FUCK. So i enlist one of her and my friends, (a girl obviously), to find some info. She comes back telling me that she broke up with me cuz her best friend was complaining I was taking too much of her time. I guess it didn't help that i made fun of her friend so much… xD. She also broke up with me cuz of parental pressure. So, my friend goes on to say that she really really really wanted to say yes when i asked her out again at the end of summer, but she couldn't for reasons i forget xP. So my friend asks her why she doesn't want a boyfriend, which now the answer is because nobody likes her. So she keeps going and asks, "Hypothetically, if alex still liked you, would you go out with him?" Her answer? No. My friend says it sounded extremely undecided though. So, at this point i'm like WTF. ESTROGEN BASED LIFE FORMS ARE SO CONFUSING.

Anyway that was earlier this week. Today, she hurries and comes up to me at the end of study hall to talk with me, which is totally out of the norm since she usually is the last person out of the study hall. Anywho, our discussion is interrupted by a really crazy goth chick and i end up talking to her about how my spanish teacher may look it, but is not gay. I feel bad cuz i felt like i just ignored my love interest at that point. I even forgot to say goodbye! Now i find that she, for some reason, thinks that i dislike talking to her! What's worse, is I can't talk to her tomorrow cuz i'm away on a motherfucking goddamn field trip so i can't tell her that i actually enjoy it and hopefully change that no to a yes in her mind!!


Well, anyway, i doubt you read all of that, but i really needed to vent somewhere where none of the people that come into actually physical contact with me would know what's going on. If you actually read this… wow. xD I'm actually typing this up instead of a science paper… XD.

Peace out, and wish me luck. I need it… x|


Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 11 months ago

I read all of it :3 And yes, that is hard…. but I don't like the part about how part of the reason she left you was cause of her friend..mm mm no! You don't do that…buuut ok. And It seems she still has feelings for you…. cept that part about her liking one of your bestfriends irked me a bit. But I say just be relentless! FIGHT! >:3 SACK HER AND THROW HER IN A CLOS….I mean… >.> just…try…and talk to her. :3 yes.

Kaz 18 years, 11 months ago

Why the hell did I read ALL of that?

Anyways, yea girls are confusing. And dont worry, it only gets better later in hs =)

chicklet 18 years, 11 months ago

good luck!! ^_^ … and yes, i read it all… she'll come around:) and testastorone (i cant spell, i know) are just as bad as us estrogenal creatures.. anways what you– ooh!!! an unguarded cookie!! ima take it! Bwahahaha!!! *runs away* – *fights off rat & eats cookie* – *runs back* – ok, so… i forgot what glorious advice i was gonna give you…

flashback 18 years, 11 months ago

Wow, I just read that while I was supposed to be making a site login system for a client…

So, um you aren't the only one with interesting situations right now. Maybe I'll make a massive blog about that some day.

chiggerfruit 18 years, 11 months ago

thanks guys, i'll keep my hopes up, err try at least xD

and i don't blame you for passing up helping a guy's love life for a cookie =D there's obviously higher priority in baked goodies. xD

oh and flashback, please do =)

chicklet 18 years, 11 months ago

ha ha! if i cant have a love life, no one can!!! .. or at least, share the details… i llooovvvee details… now why was i writing this? oh yeah:) i'm with pandaroo, closets are always romantic.. or corners.. occasionally the car… the park a couple times.. i.. umm.. igottago…

chiggerfruit 18 years, 11 months ago

idk, some people find getting wasted in the bathroom and getting it on there is romantic as well =D

i'm moving towards the closest though… xD i just need some duct tape and ropes… and hand cuffs. xD

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 11 months ago

o_O the bathroom thing is icky….

but the ropes and the cuffs don't sound too bad ;D


chicklet 18 years, 11 months ago

ha ha ha! dont diss the bathroom.. good times.. amd mr. ramos' room… that tree.. oo00hh and the time i *censored* and *censored* till *censored* … i umm.. yea:) .. oh, and duct tape leaves sticky stuff on you, use another kind.. and make sure the rope's soft or you cant manuver *flashback*

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 11 months ago


anyway, that sucks